Abake's Profile

Member Info
Name: Abake
Location: Somewhere on earth talking to plants.
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Thu, 23 May 2024

Membership: Member

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Personal Bio

Personally: Others see me as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. Also clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends I do make and who expects the same loyalty in return. Those who get to know me to realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally, it takes a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken. (eh, what can I say lol) I am also into the sciences, learning new discoveries and watching documentaries. Love arts and crafts and swimming.

As a witch: Deeply follow my Zodiac sign as a Plutonian/Martian or Scorpio. I would say I am an advanced beginner as been practicing the "Craft of the Wise" or Witchcraft for 5 years. I have been fully immersed for 3 years.

Abilities/working on:

- Spirit work

- Creative/artistic Magick

- Elemental Magick

- Hoodoo Magick

- Working on Sea/Water Magick

Have any questions don't be afraid to send me a message. I love to make new friends.