Emergency Protection

SpellsSpiritual  ► Protection  ► Emergency Protection
This is something you will need to buy for your most difficult times. You buy it at a Latino witch shop called a ''Botanica'' or ''Curandero.'' Google them or look in the yellow pages for them.

Casting Instructions for 'Emergency Protection'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Contra-Danos (Against Harm/Evil)Oil or Perfume
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Contra-Danos (Against Harm/Evil)Oil or Perfume

Put some oil on your neck and wrists when you feel like you are dieing and it will go away. If you are doing this for a friend, do the same thing but say as you put the potion on yourself, this is to cure my friend.

I recommend you buy the oil, perfume, a talisman and a large candle (prepared), from the botanica. You can also use a Virgin Mary, St. Jude, Jesus Christ and St. Charbel sculpture (they are like $3USD ea.) Ask the Cuban Santeria person at the Curandera/Botanica store to help you make them anti-evil (no this will not harm spirits). Anti-evil means anti-harm.

You can also use the oil in a traditional way like with an oil burner but I say in an emergency it is best to put it on your wrist and neck anyway possible, there's no wrong way as long as the oil touches your skin.


Added to on Feb 11, 2014
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
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