
SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► Wish
Brithday cake wish spell.

Casting Instructions for 'Wish'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cake
  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cake
  • Candle

All you have to do get your cake and your candle and stick the candle in the cake and light it and while you've done that all I want you to do its to visulize what you want to happen and when you have finished blow the candle out. Simple spell.


Added to on Sep 14, 2013
Last edited on Apr 25, 2017
Part of the Eclipse Library.


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Don't forget it has to be your birthday too

May 14, 2024
Not really. Being on your birthday can enhance the energy, but you could find the perfect day, time and moon cycle for your wish and it would have the same effect.

Where's the birthday spell?

I mean, they are not wrong. That is a wish spell. You take a candle, visualize your desire, make it feel as real as possible, then blow out the candle to send the wish into the universe. It has to be realistic, but wish spells are just intentions. You could wish for a partner instead of finding a specific love spell.

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