Mirror of the Past

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SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► Mirror of the Past
To show you the past.

Casting Instructions for 'Mirror of the Past'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two white candles
  • One black candle
  • One mirror
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Two white candles
  • One black candle
  • One mirror

With this spell you need to look deep with in the mirror and holding the black candle in front of you. Now repeat theses words: "I call to the sands of time through the past and into the future.
As I lived through history I summon you to show me the lives that I lived through".


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Last edited on Dec 31, 2015
Part of the Two Hearts Library.


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Looking at what you're supposed to say, this seems to be intended as a past life regression sort of thing. I highly doubt this would help you find out about your past lives or the past at all, however, I am new to witchcraft and I could be wrong.

This sounds like an incomplete past life regression mirror scry. As written, I doubt it works unless you have been practicing scrying and past life regressions prior to this spell. You can use a scrying mirror to see images of the past, but it would require more than ''Magic Mirror on the wall, show me my past'' to do it. You need to meditate and enter a trance like state to scry. You should also make more of a ritual out of it so you can enter the right headspace. Cleanse yourself, meditate before, if certain music puts you in a Magikal mood, use it, any crystals or incense which helps with psychic abilities would also be useful for this.

What about the white candles?

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