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"love potions and spells"



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Search Results for love potions and spells
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Protection of the ce circle
...Basic magic spell of ice magic 1. Charge the energy of the water 2. Pour it into your palm 3. Strike the hands in the ground. Visualize how a circle arises around you. A circle made of icicles that dig into what surrounds you.magic spell of ice magic --> Casting Instructions...
The Spell of The Arrow
...This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols. Shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the path of the Moon in the water. This path...
Reversal Spell - Free Magic Spell
...If you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the trick. Write the spell you cast on paper and burn while saying: ''Guiding spirits, hear my plea. Annul this magic, let it be''you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the the trick........
Banishing Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Banish Negative Energy To banish negative energy. read more Even more great spells..... spells..... Apollos Salt Apple Banishing Banish Demon Banish Fear Anti-Anxiety.......
Friendship Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Friendship Helping you get a new friend read more Even more great spells..... spells..... Element PPF Forgiveness Attract A Friend Friends for Others Help a.......
Cure Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Healing headaches Stops most headaches. Very effective. read more Even more great spells..... spells..... A Simple Healing Akasha's Uncrossing Candle Bira Break a Sorcerer's Curse Brush of.......
Cancel - Free Magic Spell
...Cancel any spell A spell was cast now make it past remove it now dont ask me how x8 P.s. Ive seen this spell of this sight I just wanted to repost it. any spell --> Casting Instructions for 'Cancel' You will need the following items items for this spell: Belief.......
Defense Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Create Your Own Angel How to create an angel which will help and and guide you. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's Uncrossing Candle Altering energy to.......
Quick and Easy Tea Blessing
...Add this Quick and Easy Tea Blessing to your morning tea ritual to turn a normal beverage into a potion for good luck, health and joy! Brew a mug of your favorite tea Stir as you recite the following blessing: Three to the left to remember the past, Three to the...
Enchant an Item - Free Magic Spell
 This spell should enchant an item to protect you. For example: If you wanted protection in your house then you would enchant the front door. If you wanted protection when you're doing something you might enchant your clothes. Touch the item you want to enchant with your power hand(the hand you...
Vampire Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Creating a Psi Tendril Teaches you how to form a psi tendril for for various uses. read more Even more great spells..... Incarnation Mutations Reverse Vampire Curse Chant To Vampire.......
Forgetful Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Forget My Secret Makes someone forget a secret you regret telling them. read read more Even more great spells..... Fogetful Guilt Elimination Mind Searching Persuasion Smudge.......
Protection Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Anti-Anxiety Charm A small talisman to rid anxiety, as well as promote calmness. calmness. read more Even more great spells..... Aid For Protesters Akasha's Uncrossing Candle Animal.......
Lavender pillow spray (V2)
...A recipe of my own for aromatic lavender spray for your pillow to assist you in getting to sleep. You can also use my sleeping potion before using the spray! Put the water in a deep bowl and add the water soluble solution. Put the crushed lavender buds and essential oil...
Death Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Curse Against Enemies Puts a curse on your enemies. read more Even more more great spells..... Death of a Pet Goofer Dust Recipe Invoke Death Pain as According Revenge Death to Your.......
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