Search Results for
"hoodoo spell"



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Search Results for hoodoo spell
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308 total matches
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Gypsy Witch Star Spread
...A card spread using the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Look for a theme or situation card in the deck that best describes the situation asked about. Place this in the middle of the spread. You will shuffle the deck and place five cards in the positions within this spells...
Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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to bring prosperity - Free Magic Spell
...bring prosperity This is a ribbon spell that will lighten and bring prosperity and peace to the family and home. Items needed are three ribbons of blue, red, and green appx. 36 inches long. 1= set up your alter and cast a circle, invite Goddess and God to assist you, also...
Divination-Pendulum - Free Magic Spell
...Pendulum use. Copywrite to Michele Evans aka Crimsonmoon Pendulums are something weighted ( stones, crystals, ring) at the end of a string or chain, used for simple divination. Once you select your pendulum you can start. Don??t forget to cleanse it. Go to the table and get comfortable and relaxed. You...
Craft-Twig Journal - Free Magic Spell
...A nifty way to make a personal journal, Grimoire or Book of Shadows. This is from the Yahoo Group ''CovenofMysticShadows''. Cut a piece of corrugated paper the size of the notebook's cover. Attach the paper to the cover with white glue. Place a heavy book on top of the paper while...
Pan to Artemis - Free Magic Spell
...This is part of the mysteries that are taught through many a coven. I'm not sure where it came from, but it is a great piece of lore and magic. If you want speak it out loud before you altar if you have one for a week and see if you...
Give Me Guidence - Free Magic Spell
 Basically a nice little way to ask for guidence from the universe, or your god/goddess, or that great Spaghetti Monster in the sky. Go out one night, sit under the starlight, sit under the moonlight. Reach to the heavens, call down the starlight, the moonlight, into yourself. You are great, you...
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