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"love potions and spells"



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Search Results for love potions and spells
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317 total matches
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to stop Anxiety - Free Magic Spell
...we all get anxiety and we all want it gone. Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Lord and lady, soothe my head. Bring me to your calming peace. As I will so mote it be. all get anxiety and we all want it gone. .......
Inner power pouch - Free Magic Spell
...personal power pouch I suggest making up your own directions and spell for this one because it is a very personal pouch. Add ingredients or objects that have meaning to you. One suggestion: Try to sew on some small semi-precious stone chips or a stitched personal symbol.power pouch .......
Spells Of Magic
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Ginger Root Good Luck Oil
...Ginger Root is widely regarded amongst magickal practitioners as facilitating Good Luck , Joy & Fun entering into your life. Follow these instructions to bring more luck into your life: Macerate Ginger in Sunflower & Jojoba oil until youve achieved the desired intensity of fragrance (strong but not overpowering). You can...
The Answer. - Free Magic Spell
...You want an answer to an important matter? You do not know how to act in any given situation? Take a dry box of poppy and purge it from seeds. Write your answer on a yellow piece of paper, and then put in the box. Boil the roses. Before bedtime, put...
Information-Charging An Item
...Charging an item After you have consecrated a tool or item, you should charge it. Hold the item above your head. Take a moment to feel the swirls of energy around you, In a clear voice say Chant: Let the sacred powers of the universe unite and fill this (item name)with...
Spells Of Magic
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Confusion banishment - Free Magic Spell
 Counter to uncertainity In the mind's confusion, Danger Lies, The sun brings clarity through the skies, As Day brak comes your thoughts are clear While you sleep your thoughts relax Clarity joins your thoughts together Which the confusion cannot sever As the moon does wax and wane in time AS your...
Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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Spells Of Magic
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