ffpaul's Profile

Member Info
Name: ffpaul
Location: Wales
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sun, 02 Jun 2024
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
Sea witch I say this as most things I seem to have done in the past have centered around water.
I am a water sign, I also was born with sea on three sides, and a river on the other, only a short stretch of land stops us from being an Island.
Never the less I did not take this as me being a sea witch, I tend to have my best results when using water in some way, it does not have to be salt water, though I have used that in baths.
I tend to be centered near to beaches (or so I thought, it seems to be the sea) My ideal place would be a beach with a jungle behind, as I also love wild life.
My alter seems to have a range of items from the sea, a shell here a bit of coral, along side certain stones/crystals. I also like to include a seed or 2. Yes I do grow things and am good at it.
Animals seem to take to me, either cats or dogs come to stay where ever I may be. I also travel a fair bit. My wand and Athame are both made from driftwood, the wood of the wand being willow.