Go to the World of Touhou

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SpellsLove  ► Obsession  ► Go to the World of Touhou
This will get you to go to gensoyko! But you'll have to belive hard enough in magic!

Casting Instructions for 'Go to the World of Touhou'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

First, imagine really hard about you going to the portal.Then, go to a mirror, and imagine there's a portal that reimu is pulling you. Say this chant: "Oh goddes yukari. Take me to your world with such gracefulness, please listen to my plea, so mote it be"


Added to on Jan 06, 2014
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work. You cannot physically teleport to other places or realms.

May 08, 2024
yes you can its called astral projection..

May 09, 2024
One, I said physical teleportation does not work. I never mentioned astral projection. Two, if this is meant to be astral projection, this is not how astral projection works. Three, there is no goddess Yukari, which is a red flag this is nonsense. Four, Touhou is not a real place, a second red flag the author made this up. At best, you could try astral projection to the fantasy realm, but this specific spell is complete nonsense and will not work because it is not a real spell. If you insist on wasting your time on it, nobody will stop you, but do not try and convince people a clearly fake spell is possible.

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