WILD HOT SEX, ALL THE TIME (Witches only no evil anything)

SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► WILD HOT SEX, ALL THE TIME (Witches only no evil anything)
Makes you have sex with a person all the time, like witch orgies sorta stuff, but just one lover a day. this is more like for surfer/skaters/pure of heart

Casting Instructions for 'WILD HOT SEX, ALL THE TIME (Witches only no evil anything)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A heart image in your mind.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A heart image in your mind.

As best as you can, imagine a heart. 

Then say "ACTIVATE"

And a girl will appear in your life, if you are not a fake witch like a gang or something. Like no evil, no offense and respect. Its just that its a Mexican rainforest spell and hates evil, like non surfers and non skaters. It just does not work. Does not like racists too. 

From there just THINK about a sex partner situation and if the partner talks about the theme then that is your drop. But you have to keep hooking me up with models for it to keep working in the future. if you think about a person to give to another guy/girl it will hook you up with a sex partner, its like one night stand. the more you hook me up with the better it works cause i'm a rainforest shaman and spell likes me. 

Doesnt let you choose a mate, it chooses for you, and only has heterosexual, no gay stuff. 

From there mirrors teach you classes in sex magic ask it questions you see a ghost teaching.


Added to on Jun 22, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Fake spell from a troll account.

At least we get some insane ramblings from Santeria in this post. As stated numerous times already, everything Santeria/jorgeperez has ever post is not real. I do enjoy the double standards and hypocrisy in these spells. If you are going to post nonsense, at least make it entertaining. To claim the spell does not work for racists yet constantly posts racist, exclusionary, sexist, homophobic nonsense in their posts. Not that it matters, but this spell makes a girl appear? I mean, it does not, Magik does not defy nature, but let us pretend. This also only works for straight people. So, if a girl was to do this, a guy would appear, or is it always a girl? And I have asked this before, but I am a bisexual man, in your ridiculous reality, would it work for me or not because I have dated men and woman? I am just curious by your logic if I cast this, would an error message appear that said Witch is not straight and I would transform into a newt or some other improbability.

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