Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) Trancework

SpellsSpiritual  ► Conjuring  ► Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) Trancework
Talk to your chosen Five Nights at Freddy’s (FNAF) character. A multi-day spell. Chaos magic-related trancework.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration
  • Candle or Glowstick
  • (Optional)** Focusing object representing your character (e.g. for Moon, a glow-in-the-dark star, for Foxy, an eyepatch, etc.)

Casting Instructions for 'Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) Trancework'


Please be sure to read through this entire thing before beginning the spell!

(I'll also note that you can use the tactics described here for any magical workings, really... this is more of a template that happens to use these characters as an example.)

As a chaos magician, I want to emphasize personal experimentation, belief, and the use of whatever symbols, rituals, or systems work best for the practitioner (i.e. you!). The nightly incantations, the use of a candle or glowstick, and the focusing object can be modified and adapted to suit your preferences. This allows you to shape the ritual according to what resonates with you on a deeper level.
This FNAF trancework, as a magic spell, relies on your belief in the effectiveness of the ritual — and does not need to imply a belief in these animatronics as magical figures, of course. The tangible experiences and knowledge gained during this ritual can become the measure of its success. Belief is a tool, not a rigid set of doctrines. Let yourself explore this magical experience in a way that aligns with your personal beliefs and inclinations.
(And, hey, if you do try this spell out, I'd love to hear about your experiences.)
-- Cthylla

This is trancework that will work for any character from any of the FNAF games. (Note: they do not have to be animatronics; I am fully aware there are humans in this series. However, for ease of reference, I will be using animatronic-focused language.) You will be able to interact with them however you’d like.
You must be in a dark room. Do this spell 5 nights in a row, at the same time each night. (Optional: Once you have finished your meditation, place your focusing object under your bed or pillow.)
Try to add more detail or solidity to your visualization each night. Focus on not only the visual aspects but also other senses. For example, try to imagine what it would sound like in that location. What smells would there be? And so on.
Listen to music, light candles, do whatever you need to do to help get you into that space. (I’d recommend listening to something without lyrics, if you choose to have a soundtrack.)


Night One Incantation:

“Metal creaking, blood and wire

House of strange and cruel desire

Robot-child of cold hellfire

Reach through the dark to me.”

Night One is about establishing the connection, and laying the foundation for your journey. 

Light your candle or glowstick, allowing its faint glow to cast subtle shadows in the room.

As you recite the incantation, feel the energy around you shift. The room becomes darker, and a sense of anticipation fills the air. 

Close your eyes and sink into a comfortable position. Let the darkness envelop you, and begin to clear your mind. Imagine the animatronic world coming to life around you, the dimly lit corridors, the distant hum of machinery, and the eerie atmosphere. Sense the cool air, the faint echoes of footsteps, and the soft mechanical sounds.

(Optional: Focus on your chosen character's representing object, holding it in your hands. Let the details of the object become more vivid in your mind. Feel its texture, notice any distinct features, and let it become a tangible connection to the character.)

As you go deeper into the trance, visualize yourself standing in the iconic FNAF location. Perhaps you're in the security office, surrounded by monitors, or exploring the animatronic-filled stage.

Immerse yourself in the experience, allowing your senses to come alive. Listen for any whispers or distant laughter, smell the faint scent of pizza and old electronics, and let the ambient sounds of the FNAF world wash over you.

Remember, you are in control, and you can always bring yourself back to reality if needed. Tomorrow night, the journey continues, and the connection grows stronger.


Night Two Incantation:

“Darkened halls of strange arcade,

Walls and checkered floor decayed,

Empty house that violence made

I stand and call to thee.”

The second night deepens the connection forged on Night One. Find a quiet space and begin the ritual with the Night Two incantation. Light your candle or glowstick, creating a gentle illumination that flickers with an otherworldly glow.

(Optional: Hold your character's representing object, and this time, let the details become even more pronounced. Feel the energy radiating from it as if it holds a piece of the animatronic spirit within.)
As you close your eyes, let the shadows play on the edges of your consciousness, signaling the transition into the FNAF realm.

Relax into the trance, allowing your mind to dive further into the animatronic world. Visualize the surroundings becoming more defined—the dimly lit hallways, flickering lights, and the distant echoes of animatronic movements. Sense the air growing heavier with anticipation and feel the temperature dropping slightly.

Expand your sensory experience. Imagine the unique sounds of each animatronic character— for example, Freddy's deep laughter, Bonnie's guitar strums, and Chica's melodic humming. Let the environment come alive with a symphony of eerie noises and faint echoes.

Explore different areas within the FNAF location. Perhaps you find yourself in the backstage area, catching glimpses of animatronic parts, or maybe you wander into the dining area, filled with ghostly echoes of past joy and laughter.

Stay aware of your surroundings, for the animatronics may begin to move, casting shadows and creating an atmosphere of suspense. Trust in your ability to navigate this spectral domain, always knowing that you can bring yourself back to reality whenever necessary.

Night Two solidifies the connection, and as you complete the ritual, know that the journey into Five Nights at Freddy's continues to unfold.


Night Three Incantation:

“Cupcake spatter, checker-tiled

Flesh that bloodied hands defiled

Engine grease, unchanging smile

Hear my voice draw near.”

As Night Three approaches, the veil between your reality and the animatronic realm becomes thinner. Begin the ritual by speaking the Night Three incantation with intention, feeling the energy shift and the anticipation build. Illuminate your space with the soft glow of a candle or a glowstick.

(Optional: Hold your chosen character's representing object, allowing it to become an extension of your connection. Feel the pulse of energy emanating from it, as if it serves as a conduit to the animatronic itself.)

Close your eyes and let the darkness envelop you, signaling the beginning of your journey.

As you sink into the trance, visualize the FNAF world with increasing clarity.

Explore new areas within the animatronic domain. Perhaps you find yourself in the Pirate Cove, where Foxy lurks in the shadows, or near the Prize Corner, where the Marionette's music box plays a haunting tune. Sense the unique atmosphere of each location, letting the details come alive in your mind.

Expand your sensory experience further. Feel the temperature fluctuate as if touched by unseen spirits, and let the air carry whispers of forgotten conversations. Smell the lingering scent of animatronic machinery and the faint aroma of imaginary pizza.

Be aware that the animatronics may become more animated, their movements more pronounced. Stay calm, for you are in control of your journey. If at any point you feel overwhelmed, remember that you can bring yourself back to the safety of reality.

Night Three deepens the connection. Tomorrow night, the journey into Five Nights at Freddy's will reach new heights, revealing even more encounters with the animatronic of your choice.


Night Four Incantation:

“Blueprints borne of cruel intention,

Pistons churn, infernal engine,

Waiting on kind intervention,

Lend to me your ear.”

Night Four marks a pivotal moment in your journey into the animatronic world. Speak the Night Four Incantation with a focused mind, allowing the words to resonate in the stillness of the room. Illuminate your space with the soft glow of a candle or a glowstick, welcoming the spirits that dwell within the shadows.

(Optional: Hold your character's representing object, feeling its connection intensify with each passing ritual.)

Close your eyes, and as you enter the trance, visualize the animatronic landscape with increased clarity. The air is charged with an otherworldly energy, and the animatronic spirits await your arrival.

Expand your sensory experience once again.

Visualize the dimly lit rooms and corridors, each corner holding secrets waiting to be uncovered. Feel the weight of the mysteries that surround these characters as you navigate through the animatronic realm.

Hear the faint echoes of laughter and distant screams, as if the animatronics retain the memories of past nights. Smell the lingering scent of fear and excitement that permeates the air.

Stay attuned to the subtle shifts in the environment, as the animatronics may reveal more of themselves.

Remember, you are in control of your experience.

As Night Four unfolds, embrace the deepening connection with the animatronic of your choice. Tomorrow night, as you embark on the final stage of this mystical journey, the secrets of Five Nights at Freddy's will be laid bare. You stand on the threshold of revelation.


Night Five Incantation:
The first half of this night’s incantation is as follows:

“In shadows deep, your voice rings true,

Unveil the darkness that you knew.

In robot eyes, a familiar hue,

I will my presence by your side.”

For the second half of this night’s incantation, you should write your own. 

Speak from the heart. No need to rhyme.

Still… here are some examples.

Springtrap, a phantom from the past,

Eternally trapped within a cast

Of decayed memories that last,

I beckon you to share your task.


Moon, with your eyes so bright,

Lead me through the halls of night.

Guide me through the shadows deep,

Where nightmares dwell and secrets keep.


Foxy, roaming this haunting place,

With your sly grin and familiar face,

Grant me wisdom, stand by my side,

In shadows where the secrets hide.


Nightmare Fredbear, tall and grand,

A leader in this spectral land,

With clawed embrace and golden hand,

Guide me through this spectral haze.


Night Five, the culmination of your mystical journey, beckons you to speak the incantation with a sense of purpose. Light your candle or glowstick, (optional: and hold your chosen character's representing object.)

Feel the energy intensify, knowing that you are about to reach the fullness of your connection with the animatronic of your choice.

Close your eyes, and as you enter the trance, envision the animatronic realm with heightened clarity.

Visualize the dimly lit locations, where echoes of past nights reverberate through the corridors. Feel the presence of the animatronics intensify, as if they are eager to share their untold stories.

Expand your sensory experience to its fullest. Hear the echoes of animatronic movements, and the haunting melodies that permeate the air. Smell the lingering traces of fear and excitement that have accumulated over countless nights.

As Night Five progresses, the animatronic spirits may become more vivid and animated.

As you explore, the animatronic of your choice may then emerge from the shadows, revealing itself in all its spectral glory. Engage in conversation with the animatronic, if it reveals itself to you. It may speak in words, or images, or simply in your own thoughts.

Expand your sensory experience to its fullest during this encounter. Hear the animatronic's voice, whether it be a friendly greeting or a haunting melody. Feel the energy emanating from their presence.

Ask questions, seek advice, or simply share in the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Remember, you are in control of this conversation, and you can guide the interaction as you see fit. If at any point you feel the need to return to reality, trust in your ability to do so.

Even if they do not reveal themselves to you, know that this night has solidified your connection completely. As Night Five concludes, you carry with you the unique connection forged with the animatronic of your choice, and may return to this state whenever you choose.


Intensifier (Optional)

Write one of the example slogans or write your own on a small piece of paper. Carry it around with you during the day. Touch the folded up piece of paper when you feel yourself drifting into trance or thinking about your character. You can also think the line or whisper it. This will charge your nightly spell even more. Only carry it if you feel it is safe for you to do so.

    Chica, Chica, I wanna meetcha!

    Music Man, Music Man, come see me if you can

    Freddy, Freddy, for you I’m ready

    Moon, Moon, I want to see you soon

    Sun, Sun, show me how to have some fun

    Ballora, Ballora, talk to me, I implore ya

    Vanny, Vanny, talking to you is quite uncanny


Added to on Jan 20, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This worked for me, thanks.

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