Basic Sage Cleansing

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Peace  ► Basic Sage Cleansing
A Cleansing sell great for beginners and experianced witches. Cleanse your speace of negativity or unwanted pressence

Casting Instructions for 'Basic Sage Cleansing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage,
  • Feaher (Optional),
  • Charcoal Disc.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sage,
  • Feaher (Optional),
  • Charcoal Disc.

Before you start, close all of your windows and doors.

Start by lighting up your charcoal disc.
Wait untill it turns white (that's when yyou know it's ready to start smudging!
Drop some slightly crushed Sage on it and wait for it to start smoking.
When it starts smoking, go to each room and fill the room with the smoke.
While you are filling the rooms, you can inhale a small amount of the smoke to cleanse yourself.

As you step into each room and with a commanding voice chant the following:



"I cleanse this room of all negativity!
Only love and light may enter!




Pay attention to the smoke, because when it turns black it means that in that room, there is that certain negativity that you wish to dispose of.
When you went through all the rooms, return to the room where the smoke turned black and re-do this, untill the smoke has turned back to grey!


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Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Divine Spirits Library.


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All this is missing is the abalone shell, but this is based on an indigenous smudge ceremony and is a closed practice. You can use herb bundles to cleanse a space, but this method with the sage in a bowl as you waft the smoke with a feather is smudging. Nobody will stop you, but disregarding closed practice is disrespectful, angers the ancestors and rather unethical. But, it is also your choice to ignore it. Just be aware and ask yourself why you are okay with it.

Do not close all the windows! Leave them OPEN therefore the negative and bad have a ''way'' to leave.

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