To Become A Fairy

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Power  ► To Become A Fairy
How to become a real fairy, with powers and wings. Tested and works. If it doesn't work, please message me and I might be able to help you, or it might not be the right spell for you

Casting Instructions for 'To Become A Fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Any candle (for Fire powers)
  • Bowl/cup of water (for Water powers)
  • Grass/outside (for Earth powers)
  • Outside/windy (for Air powers)
  • Alone
  • Concentration
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Any candle (for Fire powers)
  • Bowl/cup of water (for Water powers)
  • Grass/outside (for Earth powers)
  • Outside/windy (for Air powers)
  • Alone
  • Concentration
  • Belief
1. Gather what you need and be inside or outside (depends)
2. Sit down with object, and close your eyes.
3. Imagine yourself flying with wings, using your element/power (mentioned later)
4. Say this spell 3 times and once for the end: (eyes can be open)

Say X3
Goddess of wind, goddess of earth,
Please make my desire come true.
I wish to be a FAIRY!
To fly high and be truly free,
This is my wish to be.
My wings shall be (size)
like that of a (type of wings).
(Colour) and (colour),
Are the colours chosen by I.
As I say the words, (summoning words),
My wings shall appear on my back.
Once I say the words, (disappearing words),
My wings will be absent.
I shall rule over the element (element of choice),
With the special power of (any special power; only 1).
My special power shall come in (time it comes) time,
My wings in (time they come) time.
Goddess of wind, goddess of earth,
Please bestow upon me what I desire.

By the power of three,
So mote it be!

5. Believe it will work, and be patient until your element/power and wings appear!!


Added to on Mar 28, 2014
Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become a fairy.

Aug 03, 2019
One may have a different intention than others

Aug 03, 2019
If your ''intention'' is to become a fairy it will never work. Real Magic does not got against the laws of nature.

Jul 28, 2020
Original insult, Salkitty. I have worked with The Fae for the majority of my life, I was raised Wiccan, have a daily devotion to the divine and live with fairys in my home. I understand how Real Magic works and wish to address all the fake spells in the hopes of helping new members avoid nonsense. Outside of childish name-calling, what have you contributed exactly? I suggest you read a book on Real Magic before getting upset at people who know more than you trying to educate others.

Aug 19, 2021
Why doesn't anyone simply delete the fake spells?

Aug 20, 2021
Only admin can delete spells, and these fake spells garner traffic which keeps the site free. Unless the spell encourages harm, they stay.

May 27, 2024
You lived with fairies? Really? Can u tell me more .. I am just curious to know about real magic. Please answer

You cannot become a fairy for you are human and will remain human.

Jul 09, 2023
I agree I come on this website for the real stuff, Not the game nonsense.

You cannot physically transform into a faerie. That's not how magick works.

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