Covid 19 spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Summon  ► Covid 19 spell
This is a summon spell to end covid 19 once and for all.

Casting Instructions for 'Covid 19 spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • aloud
  • summon
  • repeat
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • aloud
  • summon
  • repeat

I wish I want to end the covid 19 to end.


Added to on Mar 06, 2021
Last edited on Dec 31, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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*Sigh* I am torn between ignoring the outlandish absurdity of this, and stating the obvious because there is at least one person who will see this lunacy and conclude ''this post must be true! Nobody would lie on the internet.'' As obvious as this is, you cannot stop Covid-19 by simply stating you are done with Covid-19. If this was true, anti-maskers would be immune and not constantly proving themselves wrong by catching the virus. While a protection or health spell can help, be sure you are also following CDC guidelines. Wear a mask, social distance, only leave the house for essentials, wash your hands, and get vaccinated when it becomes available. All of that said, this chant does not make much sense either. ''I wish I want?'' Pick one. Is this a wish for the virus to end, or a desire. Are you manifesting an end, or asking the wishing star to step in?

Mar 20, 2021
I agree with you 100%. This spell is stupid. Originally, its a FAKE one.

Oct 28, 2021
yeah i agree with you, this is so fake you can't end covid by just saying certain words it makes no sense. 100% fake please don;t try this because you will waste your time.

Yeah, no. This will not work. I'm editing this with some facts about the virus. Do not do this, it will not work and you are putting people at risk.

Yeah this spell is stupid and will not work for sure.

Mar 20, 2021
It says “to end” twice. It dont make no since and needs proper grammar. 😆 Don’t try this. We are all in this together guys. God bless you all. Stay safe. Well get through this together.

Mar 02, 2022
I get that it won't work, but it is rude to say it is stupid.

Mar 03, 2022
Firstly, not everyone has the same level of education, and some struggle with grammar. Secondly, ''Doesn't make any sense.'' If you choose to insult someone's poor grammar, I expect yours to be immaculate.

lol lmao delete this, it is misleading

Sorry but this won't work. Fore more information:

I don't feel like going into a thousand paragraph rant right now (though one part of me is thinking of grabbing some candles, printing out a picture with the name of the writer, and then burning the picture). But this will not work.

ok letsbe real here for a second a lot of people wish this was real and including me but sadly this spell is fake its not possiable to get ride of something as big as covid with a single sentance

This spell is so FAKE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Jun 02, 2024
Lol me too

omg i knew this was fake why did i even click on this spell smh -_-

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