Real love spells?

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Real love spells?
Post # 1
Hey guys
Does anyone know of an actual legit loves spell that will 100% bring love to you or make someone more attracted to you, I’ve tried so many on this site and know have worked, even the one that have been approved by people like nekoshema, I’ve poured so much energy into the spells and got nothing. Or detailed instructions on how to create a golem. Please help, I don’t want to be alone anymore.
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Re: Real love spells?
Post # 2
This site has many such spells to make someone you like or you suspect might like you back. It's not guarantee but it can work if you do it right. If your looking for a spell to attract a certain kind of person try this this spell worked for though it took a nearly a year. I did eventually meet someone that was everything that I asked for and it was very very surreal. The one take away from this spell I can give is to be careful what you ask for as you very much might get it in some way shape or form.
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Re: Real love spells?
Post # 3
Spells don't work 100% of the time no matter how good they are, and there can be many things that can keep your love spells from working. Here are some ideas to consider.

Are you raising enough energy for the spell before casting it? Spells need a bit of energy behind them to work properly, some more than others.

Have you tried casting your love spells during the waxing moon? This may help since that's a good time for casting spells that manifest or attract things.

Are you constantly thinking about the spell after casting it? If so, that could be interfering with its operation.

Do you have doubts about whether the spell will work at all during or after casting? That will definitely interfere if so.

Are you casting many spells one after another? Try not to do that since the spells could be interfering with each other.

Now for some mundane causes.

Are you going out and meeting new people? If a love spell isn't working on the people you're around normally, then it may be time to go out and meet some new people.

Are you trying to attract a specific person? If so, it may be that they're simply not interested in that sort of relationship with you at this time and no spell is going to easily change that.

As for golems, I'm pretty sure the type of golem you're thinking of can't be constructed. Magic doesn't work that way and can't animate things. The next best thing is a thoughtform.
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Re: Real love spells?
Post # 4
Draq is right, it could be that you are not raising enough energy for your love spells. If you casted a love spell on a specific person, it may mean that he is not interested at this time. Spells can actually take long to work as well. it is still best to take some form of action to get the spell manifesting. if you are constantly thinking about your spell, your thoughts could be interfering. you have to release the energy. if you are just using love spells to draw a lover towards you, you may need to connect with new people, or others to get those type of love spells working. spells help influence your intentions. if you had casted a love spell on a specific person, you have to at least have some form of contact with them even if they are just acquaintances. if you are a beginner at spell work, this could be a reason to.
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Re: Real love spells?
Post # 5
Learn how to use the Pentacle's of Saturn in your love spells or use the moon influences.

Saturn overdrive any influences of any kind and the most baneful of all planets. Be warned using Saturn the blessing can become a curse.
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Re: Real love spells?
Post # 6
First, Spells are not Wishes. They require immense amounts of Time and Energy from the Caster, and not all are Guaranteed to work. In fact, none are Guaranteed to work.

But more disturbing to me is when someone comes on claiming they have worked hard on Casting Spells , but give no indications of working on any of the Fundamentals required for Spellcasting tat so often make sit work.

Have you worked on Grounding, even? Without Grounding, you will just Waste your Energy, as you are not only refusing to collect additional Energy around you to Focus into your Spell, you are also just wildly spraying it out like so much Buckshot, hoping against all hope that it actually hits something. You could just as well save all that Energy and Time and just go to bed each night saying, "I Wish 'So-and-So' would love me. I Wish 'So-And-So' would love me," because that's all you're doing in the end; Wishing for something to happen.

I also recommend Defense/Warding and Divination. The first will help keep unwanted Influences out of your Spells, the second will give you Insight to all sorts of matters, including why or why not your Spells may have worked, or even if you should be trying to Cast it in the first place.

Hope this helps! :)
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