supremely benevolent deed

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supremely benevolent deed
Post # 1
I have practiced Magick for years, and I merely made an account so that I could share knowledge on how to cast one of my most powerful and benevolent spells, since I cannot post the spell in the main spells section, I will post it here so it may still be viewed and shared, tell me what you think:

Me reaching attracting unhindered away from a location through all elses of all elses As part of my Supreme benevolent deed, I make me and make me please do a deed of such benevolence that my acts and my rewards that I do that I alone do, are benevolent supreme benevolent supremely benevolent, unpreventable, irreplaceable non-replaceable that I am irreplaceable, and non-replaceable doing them as I inevitably do them (that I cannot be replaced as the doer of them, that I must do, that no one else can do them instead), guaranteed, real, fulfilled, (never illusionary; never an illusion), instantaneous, that I do right now, that I do now, that I am always aware that I am doing, continuous, ongoing, (without end), with lagom-pretty-good-pleasureable-empathy, with better and better every thing and every nonthing experiencing benevolent better and better more blissful pleasure and empathy spread out, (bringing a permanent end to all pain) (and causing growing pleasure and bliss) (that I cannot forget that I am doing), empathically empathy spread out learning more and more learning improving solving evolving evolving uplifting into a higher lifeform civilized person of higher civilization, even if lovecraftian eldritch, and helping evolve and improve others, with empathy spread out wanting to and turning all that are sentient into uplifted civilized people with true freedom with empathy, instantly now learning and remembering all sizes of sizes of all learnings of learnings and memories of memories, mastering all craftsmanships of craftsmanships I craft my perfect true artificial true form the perfecting perfect life-form - I am a self-improving, self repairing, self-customizing lifeform I make me always aware of me reaching benevolence supreme benevolence reaching attracted unhindered (away from a location) towards benevolence supreme benevolence through all elses of all elses
Me reaching attracting unhindered away from a location through all elses of all elses
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Re: supremely benevolent deed
Post # 2
I cant say I understand what your talking about in this spell, but if it works for you, more power to you.
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