Has my spell backfired?!

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Has my spell backfired?!
Post # 1
Hi everyone I did a love spell from this site on the 18th March, I didn’t follow it completely I kinda made it my own as I have a few years experience of magic but I’m now worried if this spell has actually backfired.
So a week after I did the love spell I found out I am pregnant, I’m 90% sure I’m keeping the baby I’m already a single mum to my 7 year old I see this as a huge blessing from the universe and I believe everything happens for a reason. But the guy I am seeing who I did the love spell on doesn’t want me to keep this baby, is this the spell backfiring? The spell used the phrase ‘To me you're bound forever more’ and now I feel like he most definitely is bound to me for life through our child. Should I give the spell more time for him to come around to the idea and to fall in love with both me and our baby or should I try a different spell to help him accept and love the both of us? Or should I just let him do what he wants and not interfere anymore ?
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Re: Has my spell backfired?!
Post # 2
It's easy to take this sort of thing as a sign that your love spell backfired. Considering the timing however, what's more likely is that you had unprotected sex at the proper time and simply got pregnant through perfectly normal means. This could serve as a very important warning about love spells in general, but love spell or no love spell, this probably would have happened anyway. The two of you are indeed now sort of bound in a way, so you sort of got your wish. I hope it works out.

That said, I'd recommend against trying to interfere any more with magic. There are so many variables involved in this sort of situation, and throwing more spells at it may make things worse. He'll either accept you and the child or he won't, and trying to mess with his free will could be dangerous.
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Re: Has my spell backfired?!
Post # 3
Thank you for your reply I think you’re definitely right it’s just hard to know if this would have happened anyway or if I got what I wished for but not the way I expected, and I think you’re also right about not interfering anymore too I’ll just leave it up to the universe now and whatever will be will be
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Re: Has my spell backfired?!
Post # 4
A few things. First, the easiest way to tell if a Spell has 'backfired' is to Intimately know the Spell through the proper Foundations of Spellcasting. When you know how Spells work, you can Troubleshoot them to gain the Maximum Understanding of where a Spell may have Failed, and where it may have Succeeded.

Second, this is why I have been pushing the 'Holy Trinity' of Spellcasting Foundations; Grounding, Defense/Warding, and Divination. Through the first you gain the proper Focus to manipulate Energies to produce the most desirable outcome, through the second you can better Protect your Spells--and yourself--from unwanted external Energies and Influences, and through the third you gain the Wisdom and Insight to know how best to handle a Spell's outcome and how it will affect your life. Nor should you really jump into Spellcasting without laying the proper Foundational Elements in your Magickal Journey. Casting Spells is fairly easy; dealing with the Repercussions of Casting such Spells is not.

Third, and I do not want to come across as overly harsh here, so please don't take it this way; this Child is a Living Being, not a tool for your Wish-Fulfillment. (And to be clear, I am not saying that this is how it is with you, or that you in any way, shape, or form implied such in your Post.) Further, there is a Complication involved, as your partner's love for you is not the same as his love for the child, if either exists in either regard. In fact, if the Spell didn't yield a Result--that is, if your partner does not love you--you may have been Blessed by some Compassionate Entity to have Received the Child to focus your love and affection on instead. I not Presuppose to speak as to the 'Will of the Gods,' but it could be looked at this way.

Also, speaking from Personal Experience, and a Harsh one at that (many, actually), you simply can't Force people to love you. Casting a Spell in such a way is an attempt to Manipulate a person's emotions and try to Force a Result that you desire. I've been Lonely my entire life, and I have never tried to Cast a Spell to make someone love me, simply because I had not the means or knowledge to do so. Looking on it in Hindsight, I am glad this has been the case. Love can only truly exist where one's Will has not been tampered with by External Forces. This is my Belief. My advice is that if you really want this person to fall in love with you, you should not only think about what the person exemplifies that makes you want them to be in love with you, but also why you want to be in love with them--or are in love with them--to begin with. Love grows when nourished and cared for; it does not Bloom in Deserts that are untended. I believe there would be fewer heartaches and fewer divorces and separations if people put far more thought into why they want someone's love, or why they are in love with someone, than what cellphone they want, want they will eat for lunch, or what music artist they want to see next. This is just my take on it.

Hope everything works out for you! :)
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