good and safe spells

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good and safe spells
Post # 1
whats a good and safe spell i can do over and over again throughout the day or is there no such thing?
trying to progress/train in magic but dont know anything like that yet any ideas are great thanks guys
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Re: good and safe spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Give it some time, the forums don't always have someone around to respond, or, they (like myself) might need to put some thought into the question before replying.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 3
i just need to know the answers sorry
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Re: good and safe spells
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Not to worry, discovery is exciting. I was just letting you know that sometimes it can take a little time around these parts. The community's number of active/talkative members is low enough that there isn't necessarily going to always be someone perusing the forums.

Kind of a mixed blessing, because conversation may be slow, but it also has the opportunity to be detailed and deliberate. Plus it gives busy folks a chance to keep up!

Getting actually on-track to your question, though, I think it depends on a few things.

Magic- active magic like spells and rites anyways, is about affecting change. Which means it is about achieving a goal and is born from purpose. It can be a challenge to come up with a goal or change that someone would feel a need to accomplish over and over every day.

The first idea I would have would be perhaps a basic spell to inspire some form of personal growth or protection. Such as a cleansing before bed to clear off the emotional baggage of the day. Another option might be a morning rite for awareness or inspiration, to draw your alertness towards potential opportunities for learning or other synchronicities.

Of course what you might do daily could depend on what you define 'magic' to be. There are many magical practices one can act on without relying on spells and Rituals. For example meditation and visualization- you could practice energy-working, healing, and channeling energy by tuning in to your own body for practice. Or just working into a light trance/state of focus and run ideas and thoughts through your head to explore. Or, you could use your altar (or other sacred space) for a daily devotion/recognition of the presence of your guides, patron deity/ies, or to otherwise give some form of thanks. Heck, you could just make a point to learn a little something every day- read one chapter of a book. Find one article online. Read about one herb or one crystal or any other thing that interests you. If you follow a particular path or specific tradition, learn a little something about where and/or when it came from.

So, there are a few ways someone can put a little magic into their day, you just need to start by pondering what sort of magic you are looking for. And what sort of goal you have. What are you wanting to achieve? What are you after? These questions might be good food for thought during a moment of stillness.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 5
Depends what you're trying to do and what's your tradition.I know one theistic Satanist group that has its members perform a rite against enemies about as often as Muslims pray (dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sundown and night.) The rite is highly specific to that group of foes, though, so I'll forego elaborating.

The point is, such rites do exist and can be authored by oneself as well.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 6
One addendum. William Burroughs famously said, "Magic should be dangerous." Personally, I consider the author a deeply-flawed excuse for a human being, but I like his dictum all the same.Magic is like motorcycles, guns, and the tax code: dangers are inherent in the medium.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 7
Merry Meet magic477, trust you are well

Some very valid points from spirit76 and Horatius to take note of, and i firmly believe in that when it comes to Magick and spells, is that patience is a virtue.
So touching on the first part of your question, 'what's a good and safe spell'
In my opinion as a solitary practitioner of my craft, i would say depending on your intent, only you can give rise to a spell that is either for good or as i would like to say goodwill, or you could give rise to a spell thats going to have negative effects or consequences, basically its your intent that determines the outcome of any spell.
And then you go on to saying 'trying to progress/train in magic but dont know anything like that yet'
Im glad you accepted the fact and used the key word in your journey to be, and that is 'trying', you show that you are willing to go that extra mile to learn, to gain knowledge and you are making an effort to further your understanding of Magick,i believe that we should always give credit where its due, and to you its due.
So this now brings me to my question to you, you speak about safe and good spells, may i ask, what crafts are you into, whats the one thing about Magick that makes you comfortable, what is appealing to you, what part of Magick catches your attention, catches your eye?
Having an understanding of the path you intend to follow will obviously in turn give you the answers and solutions you seek.

Remember: Whatever we do in life, spirituality, Witchcraft, and life in general, we have got to ask the correct questions, then only shall we find the correct answers.

Blessed Be
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 8
You do not 'train' spells.
Magic consumes energy. Your life energy - this means, you need to take time to charge your batteries, and to feel better.
Progress by learning new, not by repeating.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 9
Charging small gems and crystals can be an excellent way to learn about your magic, and get a feel for your own personal practice.

Charging a gem or crystal with energy is very simple, and often different for each person.
You can meditate with these stones, bath them in water, sing to them, think about them, and a variety of other methods in order to charge them.
Once you're feeling confident with your work you can use them in your daily life, sort of like an energetic worry stone these small magical charges can help with stress or focus and are generally for personal use.
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Re: good and safe spells
Post # 10
Charging small gems and crystals can be an excellent way to learn about your magic, and get a feel for your own personal practice.

Charging a gem or crystal with energy is very simple, and often different for each person.
You can meditate with these stones, bath them in water, sing to them, think about them, and a variety of other methods in order to charge them.
Once you're feeling confident with your work you can use them in your daily life, sort of like an energetic worry stone these small magical charges can help with stress or focus and are generally for personal use.
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