Need someone to uncurse

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Need someone to uncurse
Post # 1
Hi. So, there is this woman who is placing a beauty curse on me. I'm unsure of who it is, but she deals with nails and beauty and there are two main women, one as old as me and one older who was a reiki master. They both work in beauty and nails. I was warned by one of my soul collective members.

I need someone to break this curse for me. Also a financial curse that was placed upon me to block my blessings. I'm willing to pay if necessary. I'm unsure of who it is, but is definitely a divine feminine. My right hand fingers always get yellow and I have to wash them with water and bleach, it works but they always end up yellow. Sometimes a nail breaks.

If someone could help me, I'm grateful for it.
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Re: Need someone to uncurse
Post # 2
Run a bath and add salt + lemon slices (1 lemon should be enough). Say the following prayer:

Say the following curse removal prayer:

I am cursed
I ask the divine light that helps me
in the complete forgiveness of this
person, or people, known or unknown.

I release any need to get sympathy
or attention due to these conditions.
I ask and beg the divine light and love
to cleanse and balance my energy field,
my physical body, mental body, and spiritual body.
I release any effect of this curse to the light completely.

I ask the divine light to fill my being
with the powers of continuous forgiveness.
I am very grateful.
So be it/ I command it /Amen (use what feels right to you)

** Bury lemon slices in the garden if possible or preferably in compost rather then in the bin. If you truly must put it in the bin I would suggest using a bag and tying it up or seal it however you wish before throwing it out.
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Re: Need someone to uncurse
Post # 3
Gratitude. Will try this.

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Re: Need someone to uncurse
Post # 4
getting bleach anywhere on your skin sounds like a bad idea.

Also, try looking into cord cutting type spells. Instead of cutting your connection to another person, use it to cute your connection to the curse. Imagine it as cutting a rope that's being used to choke you, or unshackling yourself from chains. There are multiple cord cutting spells on here, a simple one being to grab two candles, one representing you, the other the thing you're cutting off from you. Tie them together with string and light them to burn that cord connecting them.
I'll link some other spells from here you could use or take inspiration from.
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Re: Need someone to uncurse
Post # 5
I know it's a bit late, but.
As to protect yourself for the next time, few tips:

- prepare black salt or buy one -> you can sprinkle it around your house - especially doorsteps. I can send recipe if you need.
- burn Myrrh or Frankincense to cleanse
- get bay leaf - put few in a white cotton bag and put it nearby your doorstep, under the carpet. If you don't have it - place it somewhere where it cannot be seen
- get another bay leaf and carry it on you (pocket, bag, backpack - something you always got on yourself - even in a wallet - that's how you attract wealth).
- if you can, place a small mirror on your windowsill facing outside world.
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