Fulfill Your Wish

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SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Fulfill Your Wish
This spell can fulfill any of your wishes,but will take some time, and when it happens it will happen exactly the way you wanted it to happen.

Casting Instructions for 'Fulfill Your Wish'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visionary board
  • Photos of your wish (you could even draw them or write the wish in the paper)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visionary board
  • Photos of your wish (you could even draw them or write the wish in the paper)

First of all you need a visionary board, if you don't have one then make one with a thermocol and a black paper.you could make it with any paper.

Now stick the pictures of your wish on the board. If you don't have the picture then you can write your wish on the piece of paper and stick it on the board. Then look at each wish carefully and visualize that you have achieved that wish

For example: If you want to buy a house. You look at the picture of the house and visualize that you have got the house. Now do this everyday till your wish comes true.


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Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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@witchab Can you do this more than once?

Mar 07, 2020
Welll, he said to do it everyday....

Mar 07, 2020
This is a vision board utilizing the law of attraction. How this works is, you make a collage of your desired future, you then take time every day [can be 5 minutes, can be an hour, whatever you feel is best. personally, I would go for 15 minutes at most] sit before the image and reflect on what it represents, visualize you with that thing as if it was real. [say you want a dream home, imagine waking up in your dream room, walking to your dream kitchen, relaxing with a cup of coffee/tea/whatever on your dream porch. Paint a detailed picture of the home] once you've spent the time building this perfect image in your head, go out and live your life, confident that the universe will bring you this result. Work for it, obviously, but the idea is, you've told the universe you will have this one day. It will happen. You then go forth and work towards your goal, but knowing that it will be easier as you have charged the energy to draw your dream to you faster. You can build a vision board with everything you want in it, or you could make a specific one for a specific goal. I wouldn't make multiple vision boards at once, but you can.

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