Don't Come Tomorrow Teacher

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SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Don't Come Tomorrow Teacher
Spell to keep your teacher from coming in to class for a day.

Casting Instructions for 'Don't Come Tomorrow Teacher'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Concentration
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Concentration
First, relax and take a deep breath until you're calm enough.

Second, imagine whatever reason why you're teacher is not coming to class. (Without causing any harm to them please)

Then chant this in a whisper:
“I beg thee ancient ones, that (your teacher) may not come to class today (or tomorrow), please hear my plea, this is my will so mote it be.''

Repeat this for 3 times or as much as you feel like.

You can either do this the day before school or before it starts.

(Please do let me know if it's working for you by sending me a mail.)


Added to on Sep 08, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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hello! im a baby witch and this is one of my first few spells that im trying; does this work a 100%? and do i need any other special equipment to make sure the desired effects take place?

Aug 30, 2021
No spell is 100% guaranteed. For your first spell, this one might be tricky since it requires you to focus a lot of energy on the target [items used in spells have magickal energy and give power to the spell, so you would rely less on your own ability] Also, this chant seems rather vague. It doesn't specify who you're calling on, simply ''ancient ones'' which could be any God, demon, faerie, or entity good or bad, to stop your teacher from coming to school. Which, by not specifying, could be anything from a migraine, the car won't start, broken bone, all the way to death [death being a long shot since, again, first spell relying completely on your own ability, but it's still a possibility] You can try it, but I would specify like ''give my teacher a cold'' or ''ensure their car won't start.'' Personally, I would go with a different spell. I don't know why you don't want your teacher coming to school but perhaps work on that. If you have bad grades, a spell to help you study, if they don't like you, a truth spell, protection spell, or perhaps a binding.

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