Good Luck Necklace

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SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Good Luck Necklace
To make it so a necklace gives the wearer good luck.

Casting Instructions for 'Good Luck Necklace'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Perfume of any kind
  • Necklace with a charm
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Perfume of any kind
  • Necklace with a charm

Hold a necklace that has a charm on it and say the following three times at least

"Bless this necklace, charm it well.
Give the wearer good luck, make the luck swell.
Bless all around them and bless the wearer.
May good luck spread and get rid of the terror.
This is my will, so please, mote it be."

Spray the necklace with perfume and it will give the wearer and those around them good luck.


Added to on Mar 05, 2015
Last edited on Aug 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can it be a bracelet?

Nov 11, 2020
Any piece of jewelry could work. Be careful though, luck spells, more often then not involve taking someone else's luck to fuel your own. I know this because of some past experiences. My brother got hurt terribly in his feet. There is another experience that I don't have the time to share. Anyway, be careful, and bye!

What do you mean by it has a charm on it???

May 03, 2021
most of time necklaces have a small charm on it. a symbol, a piece of a crystal or a tiny plastic or metal figure of some sort

How do you know the spell worked?

Dec 22, 2023
When things work out for them/you and you get most things you/they want. Also luck spells usually take someone else’s luck,so look out for that

Dec 22, 2023
Luck spells don't take luck from others, but it could negatively affect someone else [say you do a luck spell, then participate in a contest. You have more luck on your side which tips the scales in your favour, it doesn't take the good fortune away from the other contestants] As for how this spell works, I don't think it does [but it could with a few adjustments] what you're doing is enchanting the necklace to become a good luck charm. I'd pick good luck oil or Dragons blood oil instead of perfume [unless the perfume is enchanted with good fortune] I would also chant a lot longer than three times, and charge the necklace with positive energy as you chant. That will turn it into a good luck spell. I did something similar a long time ago for an ex [man, I'm old lol] I took his bracelet, passed it through cinnamon incense, and then charged it with energy as I focused on good fortune. Later that week, he found 50$ on the street and if he didn't stop to pick it up, he would have been hit by a truck coming out of an underground parking lot. Simple but possible, it just depends on the energy you put in and your skill.

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