Good Luck Spell for Shamian

SpellsBeauty  ► Good Luck  ► Good Luck Spell for Shamian
The luck you find will put you in good spirits for the Holiday, which is the key.

Casting Instructions for 'Good Luck Spell for Shamian'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Peppermint, Altar Candles, and Sachet
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Peppermint, Altar Candles, and Sachet
STEP 1: Prepare your altar
as normal...

STEP 2: Add ''peppermint''
(in any form... I like to
use the plant form...) to
a sachet.

STEP 3: If you have some, or
can get some easily, add
an equal portion of dried
Chervil. (You can easily
find it online or in the
''spice'' section). If you
don't have any, not to worry,
but it will make your spell
more effective...

STEP 4: Light the candles
on your altar and hold the
sachet close to your heart.
Close your eyes and think
of your luckiest day ever.

Remember how it felt when
everything went right?

Be thorough with remembering
the day, and exactly what
happened...and how you felt.

Allow yourself to feel

STEP 5: Sew the sachet closed
with a needle and thread. Just
a basic stitch.

STEP 6: Wear the sachet
against your skin during the
day for the next week... and
sleep with it under your pillow
at night.

Be ready for good luck to find


Added to
Part of the Natural Magick Library.


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