Mend a Friendship

SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Mend a Friendship
Hello witches, Ravensky here and welcome back to another spell for mending a broken friendship for anyone. Keep in mind that it's a powerful spell, do not cast this spell just for fun, or it will backfire, you will get a worse freindship than before.

Casting Instructions for 'Mend a Friendship'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An orange candle
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen to write on the piece of paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An orange candle
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen to write on the piece of paper

While reciting this spell, light the orange candle and have the name of the person you want to mend the friendship with on a piece of paper and say:

"If this friendship is broken. I want to fix it. Please let this fight between (name) and (name) end soon."


Added to on May 21, 2014
Last edited on Oct 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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what should I do with the photo after casting this? should i burn it or dispose?

Can this spell be done without a candle?

Aug 04, 2023
It doesn't explain what the candles for [also, the spells a little incomplete because it doesn't say what to do after you say the chant] If you're not using a candle, use orange paper, fold it toward you [you want to draw them together] I would then tie it with some orange, yellow or white ribbon, then place it in the window to absorb the sunlight. When they get together, bury the paper. If they don't, burn it or toss it into moving water.

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