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SpellsLove  ► Crush  ► Confidence
I specifically designed this spell to give me the confidence to talk to my crush.

Casting Instructions for 'Confidence'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 white candles
  • A white cloth (if you don't have a cloth a white blanket should do)
  • A lighter
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 white candles
  • A white cloth (if you don't have a cloth a white blanket should do)
  • A lighter

Make sure you cast this at noon or midnight on a waxing moon (the bigger the moon the better). Cast your circle. Put a single white candle at each point of the pentagram. Sit in the middle of the pentagram. Meditate and clear your mind. Try and enter to the state bordering sleep. When you've gotten there you need to deepen this state as much as you can. The only source of stimulation you will have is your own thoughts. Now in your head chant these words.

"Make me confident but do it fast
I no longer want to stand aghast
Let me talk with confidence and ease
I'm tired of crying these useless pleas."

Chant for as long as you'd like. Once you feel more confident and have the urge to confront your crush (or whoever your using this for) then you may get out of this state.


Added to on Mar 03, 2016
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I can see this helping, but if you're not good with deep meditation I would try recasting a couple times on different days while visualizing talking to that person. [side note: when you decided to finally talk to them, try wearing orange as its associated with courage. You don't need to be all orange head to toe, but even an orange scarf is enough, just be mindful and remind yourself the colours energy is adding to your courage]

... I don't think I have the supplies yet. I'll try an alternative... Now...

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