wand spells

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► wand spells
Learn 3 unique spell with your wand

Casting Instructions for 'wand spells'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • :hands :wand :a wrist :magic energy
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • :hands :wand :a wrist :magic energy
Random spell casting:
first take out your wand hold it in your hand facing forward to you channel your energy to its tip then state setheron of the of the deep. enlighten!

this spell makes a random thing happen to whatever you were pointing your wand at.

Growing tree spell:
repeat the steps above just change up what you state because this time you have to say ''pather enchant this life essence''

this spell will make crops you or a tree grow faster than it should grow this works for me because im short and I can make myself grow whenever now.

Banishing spell:
yet again point the wand blah blah blah then state ''almighty lore of travel let it be true and leave dusk to gravel''

this banishes evil or your enemy i dont know what your gonna do with it but go right ahead. and by banish i mean disappear but if its a physical opponent then they will be cursed to keep walking and walking until they are completely out of your sight

(BTW if you see a boy with a really big forehead walking with no direction tell him I said hi)


Added to on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Clearly nonsense made up by someone who cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Wands are used to direct energy, but these spells will not work as outlined.

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