The human body is composed of seven very distinct elements.
The first three (liquid, solid and gas) form our physical body. The fourth, is known as the etheric body and it inter-penetrates our physical body, extending beyond it by about one inch. Next is our astral body which extends beyond our etheric body by several inches, beyond our astral body are the mental and spiritual bodies. It is said that due their elasticity and the speed at which they function, it is impossible to define the physical limits of these elements.
Everything has an aura, both animate and inanimate material, however auras are best detected in the human body, the main speculation of such being that humans have brain activity. Those who study auras are able to detect such in inanimate objects as well though. The aura has also been referred to as ''odic force'', this is depicted in early christian art from the 5-16th centuries. I speak of the glow that was depicted around the heads of those who were thought to be very holy, which was referred to as their ''halo'' or ''gloria''.
Another example was the ring of flames depicted around the heads of Moslem prophets. Another possible explanation for this phenomena is Psycholuminescence - the control of photons and thus of light -.This might explain tales of halos, auras, mysterious lights, and similar phenomena. We must also consider that the head-dresses of priest, kings and queens were used to symbolize auras. According to ancient Hindu medicine the aura can be revitalized by prana, a vital force which exists throughout the universe.
The colors shown on the chart below have specific meaning and create a response in nature. Surrounding yourself with a particular color will tend to produce the specific psychological effect as designated in the chart. One thing is certain, color can be extremely useful in magick rituals.
Color chart
Black - Malice
Dark gray - Depression
Pale gray - Fear
Brown - Materialism
Muddy gray - Selfishness
Dull rust - Selfishness
Red - Energy
Bright red - Anger and force
Dirty red - Passion and sensuality
Dull red - Selfish love
Rose - Unselfish love
Orange - Pride
Orange cloud - Irritability
Bright orange - Noble indignation
Yellow - Intellect
Greenish yellow - Low intellect
Earthly yellow - Selfish thought
Lemon - High intellect
Bright gold - Logical thinking
Green - Empathy
Grayish green - Deceit, jealously
Emerald green - Sympathy or empathy
Blue - Devotion
Grayish blue - Fetishism
Light blue - Noble spiritual devotion
Dark blue - Religious feeling
Violet - Spiritual (psychic & spiritual) faculty
White - Purity and protection