Sacrifices to Your Deity

This article was added by Black Twilight

A guideline on sacrificing to your deity to honor it.

Sacrifices aren't common these days. When some hear the word "sacrifice",they think of killing an animal and praying to a God. That is how it was traditionally done in the Dark Ages and before when life was centered around pleasing your Gods. But after since the Renaissance, religion is more of a hobby, pastime, or an interest. But for those who remain true to their God(s) or Goddess(es), a sacrifice will suffice to the God or Goddess as an ultimate honoring, due to most sacrificing traditions long depleted since, and will be pleasing to hold tradition once more. Animals won't be sacrificed. No. It isn't correct, morally and environmentally, today, because animals were sacred back then, and meant life or death, but today we have an abundance of animals, and to kill one in a world where you don't need to hunt for your food is only considered cruel based upon our morality. Instead, choose something that is important to you today, and give it up. Almost like the Catholic religion and Ash. Things you sacrifice must prove worthy to you and to your god. If your god would ask you if you'd want your sacrifice back, you would find it applicable to beg. Such things to sacrifice today are gemstones worth much money, money itself, drugs (although if you are addicted, withdrawals may hap, and can require medical attention), food, and even fasting is considered a holy sacrifice of food for any Pantheon, although you must be careful with doing so. To begin with, present your deity your sacrifice upon the altar. Pray to your deity. But during your prayer, use something to dignify the significance of this specific prayer such as burning incense, lighting three blue candles instead of one white one, etc. After your offer your sacrifice to your god, making sure to point out the importance of this on your life and that you give this to your deity for full control, leave it on the altar for some time. It's recommended you detecting it's energy, and even charging it with your energy to allow your god or goddess absorb it. After you feel the energy is drained, or a week if you have no sense upon energies, destroy the item. You gave it to your deity, it is no longer yours. If you have temptations to use it, you may actually do so, and you are taking away what you gave to a divine deity. Consequences may occur. Remember, you are honoring your deity, and not honoring yourself with the benefits of such reverence or worship. You must acknowledge that you won't gain anything out of sacrificing, with most deities, but will lose much with taking. Sacrifices work best on every special occasions, such as each holiday, each month, etc. You can make your sacrifices a special holiday dedicated to your deity, and keep track of it on your calendar. After your sacrifice, further honors and enjoyment a can be a party, a feast, or a gathering and prayer. Work wisely.

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