Color Therapy

This article was added by Teen Witches

Information on working with the healing powers of color.

Color therapy has been around since the time of the ancient Egyptians. It is a form of healing that employs the use of color to improve physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

It is based around the idea that each color is connected to a wavelength of light. Because of this, each color has its own wavelength and energy. These color spectrums resonate with the energy centers in the body, the chakras. Each color is associated with one of the chakras. Red is associated with the base, orange is associated with the sacral, yellow is associated with the solar plexus, green is associated with the heart, blue is associated with the throat, indigo is associated with the brow, and violet is associated with the crown chakra.

If our chakras are not balanced, our energy levels can waver and often times this can cause us to fall into poor health. Using color therapy can help to balance the chakras and stimulate our energy by applying the appropriate colors to the body.

A few of the means by which this can be done are through solarized water, color filtered lamps, colored clothing, or hands on healing that employs the use of color.

Color Therapy & Acupuncture:

Following the acupuncture points mapped out by the early Chinese, the various colors can be applied to the body at these points. The body then absorbs this light and uses it to balance the energy within the body. The two therapies work so well together that some acupuncturist offer both therapies together to better heal the body.

How Color Therapy Works with Acupuncture:

Color therapy works by using the natural pathways of the body to remove energy blockages and imbalances within the body. Certain colors are applied to the body and then travel the meridian systems (acupuncture points) and restore and replenish energy and promote cellular balance. Each color is associated with different energy and vibrational frequencies, thus, each one has a different affect on the body. Blue is sedating and cooling, red is stimulating and hot, orange is encouraging and warming, and green calms and balances. The cool colors could be applied to inflamed areas of the body and the hot colors could be used to promote circulation.

These are just a few of the ways that color can influence and heal us. I'll add more information as I come across it.

Color Qualities: Experiencing the healing magic of color in daily life.



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