19 Enochian Keys

This article was added by Deep Arts

How to call the nineteen Enochian Keys in both English and Enochian.

 **Note: Read the Enochian Article on how to pronounce the Enochian words before attempting to read this article. It will provide an easy interpretation of how to pronounce the keys in Enochian as well as English.**

The First Key

The First Key in English:I reign over you, saith Satan/Lucifer in power exalted above the firmaments And over the earth; in whose hands the sun is as a sword and the moon as a thorough-thrusting fire: Who measureth your garments In the midst of my vestures And trussed you together as the palms of my hands And brightened your vestments with infernal light. I made a law to govern my sons and daughters. I delivered truth and furnished to you The power of understanding. Moreover, ye lifted up your voices And swore obedience and faith to Satan/Lucifer Who liveth and triumpheth, whose beginning is not Nor end cannot be. Who shineth as a flame In the midst of your palace and reigns amongst you As the balance of righteousness and truth. Move therefore and show yourselves! Open the mysteries of your creation! Be friendly unto me! For I am the servant of the same! The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer In glory and power exalted, Of the kingdom of the south.

The First Key in Enochian:Ol sonuf vorsag goho Satan lonsh Calz od vors caosgo; sobra zol Ror i ta nazps od graa Ta malprg: Ds hol-q qaa nothoa zimz Od Commah ta nobloh zien od luciftian Oboleh a donasdogamatastos. O ohorela taba Ol nore od pasbs ol zonrensg Vaoan od tooat nonucafe gmicalzoma. Pilah Farzm znrza od surzas Adna od Gono de Satan, ds hom od Toh. Soba croodzi ipam ul vls Ipamis. Ds loholo vep nothoa poamal Od bogpa aai ta piap piamol Od vaoan. Zacare ca od zamran! Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! Zir noco! Hoath Satan bvfd lonsh londoh babage


The Second Key

The Second Key in English: Can the wings of the winds 
Understand your voices of wonder 
O you,sons and daughters of Satan? 
Of whom hell-fire has framed within 
Thedepths of my jaws; 
Whom I have prepared as a gathering 
For a weddingor as the flowers 
In their beauty for the chambers 
Of pleasure.Stronger are your feet 
Than the barren stone, 
And mightier are yourvoices 
Than the manifold winds; 
For you are become a building 
Such asis not, 
Save in the mindof Satan/Lucifer, 
The All-Powerful. 
Therefore unto his servants; 
Show yourselves in power, 
And makeme a strong seer of things; 
For I am of Satan/Lucifer 
Who livesforever!

The Second Key in Enochian:Adgt vpaah zong om faaip sald, 
Nonci nore od pasbs de Satan? 
Izazaz piadph; casarma abramg ta aldi 
Paracleda q talorslq turbs ooge 
Qvasahi. Givi chis lusd orri, od micalp chis biaozongon; 
Lap noan trof cors ta ge, 
O q manin de Satan tol-lonsh
Torzu! zacare! ca c noqod; 
Zamran micalzo od ozazm vrelp lap 
Zir deSatan apila gohed!


The Third Key:

The Third Key in English: Behold! Saith Satan, I am a circle 
On whose hands stand twelvekingdoms. 
Nine are the seats of living breath 
The rest are assharp sickles 
Or the horns of death wherein the 
Creatures of Earth are 
Andare not except by mine own hands, which also Sleep and shall rise! In the beginning 
I made you stewards, and placed you 
In the twelve seatsof government, 
Giving unto every one of you power successively Over The nine true ages of time, to the intent that, 
From the highest vesselsand the corners 
Of your governments, ye might work my power: 
Pouringdown the fires of life 
And increase continually upon the Earth. 
Thusye are become the skirts 
Of justice and truth. In Satan's name, riseup! 
Show yourselves! Behold! 
His mercies flourish! 
His name is becomemighty among us! 
In whom we say move! Ascend! 
Apply yourselves untous! 
As unto the partakers 
Of his mysteries in your creation!

The Third Key in Enochian:Micama goho Satan, zir comselh 
A zien biah os londoh. 
Em chis othilgigipah vnd-l 
Chis ta pvim q mospleh teloch 
Qvi-in toltorg caosgachisi od chis 
Ge m ozien, ds t brgdo 
Od torzul! acroodzi eol balzarg,od 
Aala os thiln netaab, dlvga vomsarg 
Lonsa capmiali vors em homilcocasb, 
Fafen izizop od miinoag de gnetaab, 
Vavn lonsh: panpirmalpirgi pild caosg 
Noan vnalah balt od vooan. 
A Satan's dooain,torzu! 
Zamran! Micma! 
Iehvsoz ca-cacom! 
Dooain noar micaolz aai om! 
Casarmg gohia: zacar! Torzu! 
Imvamar pvgo! 
Pvgo plapli cicles qaan!


Fourth Key:

The Fourth Key in English: I have set my feet in the south 
And have looked about me saying: 
Arenot the thunders of increase 
numbered 666, 
Which reign in the secondangle? 
I have placed whom none hath 
Yet numbered but two: in whom 
Thesecond beginning of things are 
And wax strong, which alsosuccessively, 
Adding the numbers of time 
And their powers stand 
As inthe beginning nine! 
Arise! ye sons of pleasure! 
And visit the earth!
For I am Satan who is and liveth forever! 
In Satan?s name, move! Show yourselves 
As pleasant deliverers, 
That you may praise him 
Amongstthe sons of men!

The Fourth Key in Enochian:Othil lusdi babage od dorpha gohol: 
G-chis ge avavago cormp mian,
Cormp mian, oali sobam ag 
Cormpo crp vi-iv: casarmg viv croodzi 
Chisod vgeg, ds t capimali 
Coazior gapimaon od lonshin biah 
Ta croodzi em!Torzu! 
Nore de qvasahi od ef caosga! 
Lap zir Satan ds i od 
Apilagohed! I Satan's dooaip, 
Zacare! Zamran obelisong 
Nonci rest tox aafnore molap!


Fifth Key

The Fifth Key in English: The mighty sounds have entered into 
The fourth angle and are become 
Asdeliverers of Lord Satan's Providence, 
Bringing forth strength andunderstanding dwelling 
In the firmaments as continual comforters; 
Untowhom I fastened pillars 
Of gladness 666, and gave them 
Vessels towater the earth 
With all her creatures; 
And they are the sons and
Daughters of Satan. Of the first 
And the second and the beginning 
Oftheir own seats which are garnished 
With continual burning lamps whose numbers 
Are as the beginning, the ends 
And the contents of time.
Therefore! Come ye and appear to your creation! 
Visit us in peace andcomfort 
Conclude us receivers of your mysteries, for why? 
We worshipSatan/Lucifer in all his glory, 

The Fifth Key in Enochian: Sapah zimii sdiv od noas obelisong 
De Satan's yarry, iolcam vgear od
Gmicalzoma praf calz tablior; 
Casarm amipzi naz arth mian, 
Od dlvgarzizop zlida caosgi 
Toltorgi od z chis nor od 
Pasbs de Satan. Talo odtaviv 
Od croodzi de thild ds chis 
Gnonp peoal cormfa chis croodzi vls
Od q cocasb ca! Niis od zacar 
Qaas! Fetharsi od bliora ozazma ednas
Cicles bagle? Ge boalvah Satan bvsd, 


Sixth Key

The Sixth Key in English: The spirits of the fourth angle 
Are nine, mighty in the firmament 
Ofwaters; whom the second hath 
Planted as a torment to Jehova, 
And agarland to the sons 
And daughters of Satan, 
Giving them fiery darts to winnow 
The earth and nine continual workmen 
Whose courses visit withcomfort, 
The earth, and are in government 
And continuance. Hearken tomy voice! 
I have talked of you and 
I move you in power and presence
You, whose works shall be 
A song of honor 
And the praise of Satan inyour creation!

The Sixth Key in Enochian: Gah de sdiv chis em, 
Micalzo pilzin de sobam; 
Casarm taviv harg ta miriad, 
Od obloc nore od pasbs 
De Satan, dlvgar malprg ar caosga 
Od emcanal sobol zar fbliard 
Caosga, od chis netaab od miam. 
Solpeth bien!Brita od zacam 
Gmicalzo sobha vavn trian lviahe 
Od ecrin de Satanqaaon!


Seventh Key

 The Seventh Key in English: The east is a house of harlots 
Singing praises amongst the flames 
Offirst glory, wherein Lord Satan 
Hath opened his mouth, and they are
Become 9 living dwellings in whom 
The strength of man rejoiceth; 
Andthey are appareled with ornaments 
Of brightness, such as work wonders
On all creatures; whose kingdoms and 
Continuance are as the sevenziarahs, 
The mighty towers of Satan, 
Continual places of comfort; ofjoy 
O ye servants of pleasure 
Move! Appear! 
Singpraises unto Satan/Lucifer! 
Be mighty amongst us; for to hisremembrance 
Is given power, and our strength 
Waxeth strong 
In thecomfort of Satan/Lucifer!

The Seventh Key in Enochian: Raas salman babalond oecrimi aao malprg 
Croodzi bvsd,qviin Satan Odo bvtmon 
Od z chis noas em paradial 
Casarmg Vgear olora chirlan; od zchis 
Zonac luciftian, cors ta vavl zirn tolhami; 
Soba londoh od miamchis ta q ziarahs, 
Micalz vmadea de Satan, pibliar; 
Moz gohed. C noqvol de qvasahi, 
Zacare! Zamran! Oecrimi de Satan! 
Omicaolz aai om;bagle papnor i dlvgam 
Lonshi, od vmplif vgegi blior de Satan!


Eighth Key

 The Eighth Key in English: The mid-day, the fifth, is as 
In the Duat, made of pillars 
Ofhyacinth, in whom the Elders 
Are become strong which I have 
Preparedfor my own justice 
Saith Satan; who liveth and reighneth 
Forever.Rejoice! In the glory of 
The dragon that is triumphant and 
Everlasting! How many are there which 
Remain in the glory of the earth
Which are and shall not see death 
Until Jehova doth fall and 
Hisfollowers doth sink? Come away! 
For the thunders have roared! 
Comeaway! For the temples 
And robe of Satan shall be 
Crowned and are nolonger divided. 
Come forth! Appear! Unto the terror 
Of the Earth, andto our comfort 
And of such as are prepared!

The Eighth Key in Enochian: Bazm, o, i ta a at, 
Oln naz avabh, casarmg vran chis 
Vgeg ds abramg baltim goho Satan; 
Soba apila od bogpa gohed. 
Chirlan! A bvsd de vovim
Ar i homtoh od gohed! 
Irgil chis ds paaox i bvsd 
De caosgo ds chisod ip 
Vran teloah cacrg iad gnai loncho 
Od fafen gnai carbaf? Niiso!
Bagle avavago yor! Niiso! Bagle siaion 
Od mabsa de Satan trian momar
Od chis ripir poilp. Niis! Zamran! 
Ciaofi caosgo, od bliors 
Od corsita chis abramig!


Ninth Key

The Ninth Key in English: A mighty guard of fire 
With two-edged swords flaming, 
Which have vialsof wrath and 
Whose wings of wrath and 
Whose wings are of wormwood and
Of the marrow of salt, have settled 
Their feet in the south and are
Measured with their ministers 
Six hundred and Sixty Six. 
These gatherup the moss 
Of the earth as the rich man 
Doth his treasure. Cursedare Jehova; 
He who sits on the holy throne 
And arehis servants! Whose iniquities 
Are in their eyes, millstones greater 
Than the earth, andfrom their mouths 
Rain seas of blood; their heads are covered 
Withdiamonds and upon their hands 
Are marble sleeves. Happy is he 
On whomthey frown not; For why? 
Satan/Lucifer rejoiceth in them. 
Come away!Leave your vials! 
For the time is such as requireth comfort!

The Ninth Key in Enochian: Micaolz bransg prgel Napta malpirgi, 
Ds brin efafafe vonpho od sobcavpaah 
Chis tatan od tranan balye, alar Lusda 
Babage od chis holq C noqvodi Mian. 
Vnal aldon mom caosgo Ta las ollor 
Gnai limlal. Ammachis Jehova; idoigo 
Od chic noqodi! Sobca madrid chis 
Ooanoan, avinydrilpi caosgin, od 
Bvtmoni parm zvmvi cnila; daziz chis 
Ethamz achildao od mirc ozol chis 
Pidiai collal. Vlcinin a sobam vcim ip; 
Bagle? Satan chirlan par. Niiso! 
Bams ofafafe! 
Bagle a cocasb i Corsca vnig blior!


Tenth Key

The Tenth Key in English: The thunders of judgment and wrath are numbered And are harbored In the South. In the likeness of an Oak whose branches are nests Of lamentation and weeping laid up For Jehova and His servants, which burn night and day, And vomit Out the heads of scorpions, And live sulphur mingled with poison. These are the Thunders that roar with a hundred mighty Earthquakes And a thousand times as many surges, Which rest Not, nor know Any echoing time. Here one rock Bringeth forth a thousand Even as the heart of man Does his thoughts. Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Yea Woe! Be to he who sits On the holy throne in heaven! His iniquity is, Was and shall be great. Come away! But not your mighty sounds!

The Tenth Key in Enochian: Coraxo chis cormp od chis blans 
De babage. Aziazior paeb soba lilonon 
Chis virq eophan od raclir maasi 
Bagle iad od noqodi, ds ialpon 
Dosigod basgim, od oxex daziz siatris, 
Od salbrox cynxir faboan. Vnal chis
Const ds yor eors vohim gizyax 
Od matb cocasg plosi molvi, 
Ds pageip, larag om droln 
Matorb cocasb. Emna l patralx 
Yolci matb Nomigmonons 
Olora gnay angelard. Ohio! ohio! ohio! 
Ohio! ohio! ohio! noibohio! 
Bolp idoigo madriax! Bagle iad madrid 
I, zirop od chiso drilpa.Niiso! 
Crip ip micalz apah


Eleventh Key

The Eleventh Key in English: The mighty seat groaned aloud 
And there were seven thunders 
And theeagle spake 
And cried with a loud voice: 
Come away from the house of death! 
And they gathered themselves together 
And became those of whomit is measured; 
The everlasting ones, 
Who ride the whirlwinds. 
ComeAway! For I have prepared 
A place for you. 
Move therefore and showyourselves! 
Open themysteries of your Creation! 
Be friendly unto me!
For I am the servant of the same! 
The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer
In glory and power exalted 
Of the Kingdom of the South

The Eleventh Key in Enochian: Oxiayal holdo od zirom 
Q coraxo od vabzir camliax 
Od bahal: Niisosalman teloch! 
Od par aldon od noan 
Casarman holq; 
Gohed saga dozildar zong. 
Niiso! Bagle abramg pi noncp. 
Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odocicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! Hoath Satan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


Twelfth Key

The Twelfth Key in English :O you that reign in heaven 
And are 3, the lanterns of sorrow 
Bind upyour girdles and shall be 
As bucklersto the stooping 
Followers ofJehova! 
That LordSatan may be magnified; 
Whose name amongst you iswrath! 
Move therefore and show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of yourCreation! 
Be friendly unto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
Thetrue worshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted
Of theKingdom of the South.

The Twelfth Key in Enochian: Nonci ds sonf madriax od chis d, hvbaio tibibp 
Allar atraah od trian
Ta lolcis abai Fafen de iad! 
Ar Satan ovof; soba dooain 
Aai i vonph!Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! Hoath Satan 
Bvfdlonsh londoh babage


Thirteenth Key

The Thirteenth Key in English: O you swords of the South 
Which have 42 eyes 
To stir up the pleasuresof sin, 
Making men drunken; Behold! 
The promise of Satan! And Hispower, 
Which is calledamongst 
Those in heaven, A bitter sting! 
Movetherefore and show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of your Creation! 
Befriendly unto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
The trueworshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted 
Of the Kingdomof the South

The Thirteenth Key in Enochian: Napeai babage ds brin vx ooaona 
Lring qvasahi de doalim, eolis ollog
Orsba; micma! Isro de Satan! 
Od tox lonshi, ds i vmd aai priaz 
Demadriax, grosb! 
Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco!Hoath Satan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


Fourteenth Key

The Fourteenth Key in English: O you Sons and Daughters of Satan, 
Who sit upon 24 seats vexing he 
Whosits on the holy throne in heaven. 
Behold! the voice of Satan! 
Thepromise of Him 
Who is called amongst you extreme justice! 
Movetherefore and show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of your Creation! 
Befriendly unto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
The trueworshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted 
Of the Kingdomof the South

The Fourteenth Key in Enochian: Nore od pasbs de Satan, 
Ds trint mirc ol thil dods 
Idoigo a madriax.Micma! 
Bial de Satan! Isro tox de 
I vmd aai baltim! 
Zacare ca odzamran! 
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! Hoath Satan 
Bvfd lonsh londohbabage


Fifteenth Key

The Fifteenth Key in English: O thou the governor Of the first flame, 
Beneath whose wings which weavethe 
Earth with wrath: Which knowest and 
Delivereth justice and truth.Prepare 
For the reign of Satan and 
His Kingdom on Earth! 
Movetherefore and show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of your Creation! 
Befriendly unto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
The trueworshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted 
Of the Kingdomof the South

The Fifteenth Key in Enochian: Ils tabaan l ialprt, orocha 
Casarman vpaahi ds oado 
Caosgi vonph: dsomax od 
Zonrensg baltim od vooan. 
Abramg sonf de Satan 
Od londoh mirccaosg! 
Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! HoathSatan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


 Sixteenth Key

The Sixteenth Key in English: O thou of the Second flame 
The Houses of Hell which hast 
Theirbeginning in glory, 
Shalt comfort the just; 
Who walkest on the earth
With feet of fire; 
Mighty art Satan and his followers! 
Move thereforeand show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of your Creation! 
Be friendlyunto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
The true worshipper ofSatan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted 
Of the Kingdom of the South

The Sixteenth Key in Enochian: Ils viv malpirgi salman de 
Donasdogamatatastos ds 
Acroodzi bvsd,bliorax balit; 
Ds insi caosg lusdan pvrgel; 
Micalzo chis Satan odfafen! 
Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! HoathSatan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


Seventeenth Key

The Seventeenth Key in English: O thou third flame whose wings 
Are thorns to stir up 
Vexation in thekingdom of heaven. 
Who hast nine living lamps 
Going before thee. Girdup thy loins 
And hearken! 
Move therefore and showyourselves! 
Openthe mysteries of your Creation! 
Be friendly unto me! 
For I am theservant of the same! 
The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory andpower exalted 
Of the Kingdom of the South

The Seventeenth Key in Enochian: Ils d ialprt soba vpaah chic 
Nanba zixlay dodsih adohi 
De madriax. Dsbrint em hvbaro tastax ilsi. 
Aldon dax od toatar! 
Zacare ca od zamran!
Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! Hoath Satan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


Eighteenth Key

The Eighteenth Key in English: O thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort 
Which unveileth Theglory of Satan 
Unto the center of the earth, 
In whom the great secretsof truth 
Have their abiding that is called in thy kingdom 
Strengththrough joy and is not to be measured. 
Be thou a window of comfort unto me. 
Move therefore and show yourselves! 
Open the mysteries of yourCreation! 
Be friendly unto me! 
For I am the servant of the same! 
Thetrue worshipper of Satan/Lucifer 
In glory and power exalted 
Of theKingdom of the South

The Eighteenth Key in Enochian: Ils micaolz olpirt od malprg bliore 
Ds odo bvsd de Satan ovoars caosgo,
Casarmg micaolz cicles vooan brints 
Cafafam ds i vmd a q londoh vgearde 
Moz od maoffas. Bolp como bliort pambt. 
Zacare ca od zamran! 
Odocicle qaa! Zorge! 
Zir noco! Hoath Satan 
Bvfd lonsh londoh babage


Nineteenth Key

Nineteenth Key in English: O you Demons who dwell upon and are mighty governors of the earth, who execute the judgment Of Satan! To you it is said: Behold the face of Satan, The beginning of comfort, whose eyes are The brightness of the stars; who provided You for the government of the Earth, and her Variety, Furnishing you with a power of Understanding, to dispose all things according To the providence of he who reighneth on the Throne from Hell and rose up in the beginning, Saying: The Earth, let her be governed by her Parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, And as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One Season, let it confound another; and let there be no Creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with Another. The reasonable creatures of the Earth, Let them vex and weed out one another; and the Dwelling places. The works of the followers of Jehova and his pomp, let them be defaced. The buildings of he who sits on the holy throne, Let them become caves for the beasts of the field; Their iniquities shall be known. For why? I regret Their creation. O you sons and daughters of Satan, Arise! Those in the kingdom of heaven, Let them serve you. Govern those that govern; Cast down such as fall; bring forth justice And destroy the rotten. No place let it remain in One number; Add and diminish, until the stars Be numbered. Arise, move! Appear before Satan! He has sworn unto us his justice; Open the Mysteries of your creation, And make us partakers of undefiled truth.

Nineteenth Key in Enochian: Ils daemons ds praf od chis micaolz Artabas de caosgo, ds fifis balzizras De Satan! Nonca gohvlim: Micam adoian de Satan, acroodzi Bliorb, soba ooaona chis luciftias Aoiveae; das abraasa noncf Netaaib caosgi, od tilb damploz, Tooat noncf g micalz oma, lrasd tolglo Marb yarry de tox bogpa oxiayal londoh babage od torzulp acroodzi, gohol: Caosga, tabaord saanir. Elzap tilb, Parm gi qvasahi, od ta qvrlst Booapis Satan. L nimb, ovcho symp; Od christeos ag toltorn mirc q tiobl lel. Ton paombd, dilzmo aspian; od christeos Ag l toltorn parach a symp. Cordziz dodpal od fifalz l smnad; od fargt, a va de fafen de Jehova od avavox, tonvg. Orsca de idigo, Noasmi tabges levithmong; madrid trian oman. Bagle? Moooah qaan. Nore od pasbs De Satan, torzu! Priaz adohi de madriax, Aboapri. Tabaori Priaz ar tabas; Adrpan cors ta dobix; yolcam balit od qvasb Qting. Ripir paaoxt saga cor; vml od prdzar, Cacrg aoiveae cormpt. Torzu, zacar! Zamran aspt Satan! Surzas tia baltan; Odo cicle qaa, od ozazma plapli vooan.

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