The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is located on the top of the scalp. Also known as the Sahasrara, this chakra sybolizes detachment from illusion. Meditating on this chakra will transform one into the divine being, able to do whatever one wishes.
The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is located on the forehead. Also known as the Ajna, this chakra symbolizes intuition. Meditating on this chakra will allow you enter another's body at will, and create, preserve, or destory the three worlds.
The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located in the neck. Also known as the Vishuddha, this chakra symbolizes creativity and self-expression. Meditating on this chakra will give you vision of the past, present, and future, freedom of disease and old age, and the ability to move the three worlds.
The Heart Chakra
The heart chakrais located between the breasts. Also known as the Anahata, this chakra symbolizes air, touch, and the actions of the hands. Meditating on this chakra will make one lord of speech and give you the ability to enter another's body.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach. Also known as the Manipura, this chakra symbolizes energy, willpower, and achievment. Meditating on this chakra will allow you create and destroy the world.
The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located just above the tailbone. Also known as the Swadhisthana, this chakra symbolizes unconciousness and emotion. Meditating on this chakra will free you from all enemies.
The Base or Root Chakra
The base or root chakra is located just below the tailbone. Also known as the Muladhara, this chakra symbolizes physical nature. Meditating on this chakra will make you king of men and adept in all learning.
*It is important to note that these are listed in the order of importance, not the order in which you should open them. The order in which you should open them is top to bottom.