Meditation Basics 3

This article was added by Spell Casters

Expanding on the basic concept of meditation.

We are now going to take the basic concept of meditation to a new level adding in an exercise in Pranyama to further help to relax the body. Pranyama is two Sanskrit words. Prana or life force and Ayama or too extend. So pranyama is exercises to extend or take control of the life force within the body. This is also known as Qi or Chee, or Shakti. Many practices believe that Prana is synonymous with the breath since our breath is the basis of our lives and we require it too live. So exercises that involve Prana are exercise that work with the breath and the natural flow of our breath in life. As we explore these things be aware of changes and feelings in the body. Here with this exercise we should see actual result. Our bodies should become more relaxed and open too the energies of the world around us. 1. Sit down in your favorite meditative posistion. 2. Breathe in through the nose and out of your nose for two normal breaths. 3. On the third breath breathe in through the nose compleatly filling the lungs to the maximum that you can hold. 4. Breathe out through the nose expelling the breath compleatly contracting in your stomach to force as much of the air out of your lungs as possible. 5. Do this in sets of 10 stopping after 10 to take a couple of normal breaths. 6. Repeat sets until your body is relaxed. Always exercise caution when attempting breathing exercises. Go only too your limits. If you feel dizzy or light headed stop the exercise and return too normal breathing. Especially exercise caution if you have any types of breathing problems.

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