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Information about the spirit Frimost from Secrets of Solomon, and Grimoirium Verum.

Frimost who also goes by the name Nambroth is an ancient and most applicable spirit. He is dated as far back as the 1600's (on paper) but is mentioned by Solomon himself. He is known to have many legions of spirits under him, while obeying under Syrach. Frimost comes fold in the art of love and attraction. According to the Grimoirum Verum he is a gentle spirit who has sway over "Girls and women..." but this is meant simply as a spirit who can help in the way of love and lust. When summoned you must have a charm made with his seal, and to give him an offering of the first rock/pebble you find on a walk that day. Simple things mean a lot to him. He is quite powerful and works miraculously quick. I find that he is obedient to those who venerate him. He is kind and generous. Not known well among the occult community i feel he gets little attention, which is a shame for such a lovely and nice spirit. Not one to distinguish between human morals of "Good or Bad" you may ask, respectively, for his help in a number of matters within his domain. I feel he responds better with respect and manners than traditional orders and threats. He is pleasant to the mage, very respectable. I would recommend those who need a way point in the art or love or lust to consider communicating with him. Simply wear and set a small alter of his sigil and name(s) and find a lovely stone/gem/pebble and offer it to him whilst asking for his help. I've been working with him for a while now, he is quite but responsive. Best of luck to thee.

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