Lay out your circle in the usual manner. Beginning in the East and proceeding deosil around the circle, draw up and direct the energies of the Earth with your athame, wand or hand while invoking the Guardians in the following manner.
Those who reside in the East, we send to you Greetings! To Gawain, Hawk of May, who dwells in the Mountains of Morning, and to Those our ancestors who dwell within the wonderful city of Findias, we say "Come!" Be guided as of old by the Sword of Nuada and join us here in our ritual.
Those who reside in the South, we send to you Greetings! To Merlin, Red Dragon, who dwells in the firey Forge of Weyland, and to Those our ancestors who dwell within the wonderful city of Gorlas, we say "Come!" Be guided as of old by the Spear of Lugh and join us here in our ritual.
Those who reside in the West, we send to you Greetings! To Taliesin, Singer of Mystery, who dwells among the Mists of Evening, and to Those our Ancestors who dwell within the wonderful city of Murias, we say "Come!" Be guided as of old by the Cauldron of Dagda and join us here in our ritual.
Those who reside in the North, we send you Greetings! To Artos, the Great Bear, who resides within the Cave of the Ancient Mother, and to Those, our Ancestors, who dwell within the wonderful city of Falias, we say "Come!" Be guided as of old by the Stone of Fal, and join us here in our ritual.
To those who reside in the Center, the realm of Spirit, we send you greetings. Lord and Lady, who are both now and forever, and to Those, our Ancestors, who dwell within the wonderful city of Tara, we say "Come!" Guide us now as you led us then and join us here in our ritual. By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, be this circle cast and sealed!