Design this ritual to suit your needs. Choose candle colors that represent the things you seek peace for (e.g. maybe green and brown for peace on earth). "From out of the dark and into the light. A circular mark, a candle burns bright. I look towards the sky, my song I do sing Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring. I offer my all, my mind I then clea.r Harken my call, I feel you are near. Candle burns higher, my spirits set free. Hotter than fire, the magick will be. Let magick come 'round, from under the ground To form with my sound and then to be bound. Around me I feel the magick so real Before you I kneel, the spell I now seal. Let all hatred cease And let there be peace . These words that I say With magick away ! This spell that I send Is now at an end. Let the magick I've laid Go forth and not fade. So Mote It Be!"