1 Green Candle (N)
1 Yellow Candle (E)
1 Red Candle (S)
1 Blue Candle (W)
If you don't have the color candles called for you can use something like Thread or Ribbon.
Cast Circle Cast your circle the way you usually do, then do as follows; (or you can add what I have below.)
Light candles in this order (N-E-S-W), As you light your first candle say while lighting;
(N) I call upon Light and Earth at the North to illuminate and strengthen the Circle.
(E) I call upon Light and Air at the East to illuminate and enliven the Circle.
(S) I call upon Light and Fire at the South to illuminate and warn the Circle. (W) I call upon Light and Water at the West to illuminate and cleanse the Circle.
Use the Green candle and walk deosil around the circle (N-E-S-W-N) Return to your Altar, set your candle down, and say the following: I call upon you Mother Earth and you Father Sky. I am asking you to please come to me and help me in my time of need. I also call upon the spirit (spirit you call upon) for your added help. I ask that you help me and teach me I have so much to learn from you. I need my soul and self to be cleansed of all the negative energy that is with me at this time. I thank you for all your help in this cleansing I so needed.
Close Circle To close do everything in reverse