Ingredients2x pink candles2x red candles 2x white candles 1x white sage incense 1x love/love potion incense 1x red rose 1x pink rose 1x dark red rose 1x jar Something that belongs to lover DescriptionBring about a love everlasting with this spell.
Spell CastingFirst, lay your candles in a straight line with your lit incense nearby, and place the red rose in the centre of your altar. Chant: "This rose stands for love, which I will have with (name). Replace the red rose with the white rose and chant: "This rose stands for purity, which our love will be". Replace the white rose with the dark red rose and chant: "This rose stands for the courage that we will have". Burn the item in the jar, then put the pink rose in after the fire dies out. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.