Pass An Examination Or Succeed In An Interview


Dried Sage
Dried Rosemary
Dried Thyme
Small purse or sachet


To bring success to what is desired.

Spell Casting

* Take three small dishes of dried sage, rosemary and thyme, the herbs of memory and concentration.

* Choose a book, a manual or notes you have made, to symbolise what you need to know or remember.

* Scatter in turn a circle of each herb round the book, beginning with sage as the innermost circle, then rosemary and finally thyme, saying:

Sage, rosemary, thyme, let this knowledge now be mine, In the circles three, memory increased be.

* Gather the three circles of herbs into a small purse or sachet. Keep it with you while you study and place it under your pillow at night so you may learn while you sleep. You can also take it to an examination.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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