Binding Doll


white voodoo doll
1 smoky quartz
1 amethyst
1 heir of the person you wish to bind or something the person made
graveyard dirt
black ribbon enuf to rap the whole doll in
needal and white thread
sowing skills


this spell will permanently bind a person of his or her magick for until you cut the connection of the doll

Spell Casting

open circle

invoke a strong deity

stat your purpose

remove all hatred form your mind or it will backfire fiftyfold. pout graveyard dirt, heir of person(or something they made), rosemary, sage, amethyst, and smoky quartz into the doll. next, sow the head while visualizing there psychic link binding to the doll. while doing this be sure that you have no negative feeling towards the person you are binding. if you feel you are to frustrated during the ritual stop and do not mind the head until all negative energy is out of your mind.

next, thank the deity. thin, end in meditation on positive things.
finally, close the circle

warning: do not bind someone just because you wont to, for it will backfire fiftyfold back to you.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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