Dove's Blood Ink


Dragon's Blood
Gum arabica
Essential oil of bay laurel
Essential oil of cinnamon
Essential oil of rose
A small cream case (or any case you prefer)


The dove represents peace and the goddess Venus. Dove's Blood Ink may be used for writing out spells, inscribing on talismans, highlighting items within your journal or book of shadows and more. Dove's Blood is typically used to write love, romance, prosperity or peace spells or to draw pentacles; however, there are many other attributes it may bring to the written content when used.

Spell Casting

1) Mix the essential oils of bay laurel, cinnamon and rose together.
2) Add alcohol to the mixture.
3) Mix the dragon's blood and the gum arabica together.
4) Mix the two mixtures together.
5) Put the final mixture in the small cream case (or any case you prefer) and you're done!
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