Mind Reading


none, just best to do it on a saturday


helps open your third eye

Spell Casting

Close your eyes. place your index finger and your middle finger on the center of you forehead. Allos your two fingers to be the key to your third eye awakening. Now, picture n eye being drawn in the center of your forehead. Now picture your third eye glowing.
Now chant 3X:

"Unlock my third eye,
Let me see where I am blind.
Allow me to read others minds
To tell the truth from the lies."

Keep your third eye glowing. Remove your fingers and begin to meditate. Only focus on your third eye glowing. Meditate as long as you choose. Before you go to bed, meditate one last time. Get your third eye glowing again.

Im not saying this will let you read minds but it will help open your third eye
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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