Healing for aches and pain


Sharpie or dry erase marker


This spell will make minor aches and pain go away

Spell Casting

Take the sharpie or dry erase marker and draw a big pentagram on the mirrow. Get the center of the pentagram onto your the inflicted area.

Meditate for a bit while thinking of healing. Now look at the inflicted area on your body and now look into the reflection and imagine the inflicted area or pain slowly vanishing. Keep doing so for about a min. and now chant: aches and pain all over my body! aches and pain why are you still here!? aches and pain all over my body hear my screem, go away! aches and pain all over my body have gone away.

Meditate once again and look at the inflicted area, and imagine its not there
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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