Ingredients1 candle (Color doesn't matter)Incense A room of your own Concentration DescriptionThis spell creates a permanent circle.
Spell CastingLight the incense and let it burn until it's about three quarters of the way burnt out. Then, when its three quarters burnt light the candle and hold in each corner of the room for two minutes each saying"I create, in this place My very own sacred space. A space where I may pace, or just feel loves' warm embrace So hear me now, far or near I may safely shed all my tears, here be my sacred space, Where here I am my grace. This space is mine All evil I decline Only positivity enters here, All are welcome, far and near So as long as evil doesn't enter Because evil isn't in my center. This is my sacred space and only with permission will you loose haste. I cast aside all negativity, only good can feel mine sensitivity. For even I must keep my peace Or revoke this golden Fleece." Repeat this process twice, then meditate in your space for 30 minutes, burning incense. When you want you can invite Gods or Goddesses to your space, but remember to thank and dismiss them as well. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.