IngredientsYourselfcomfortable place comfortable clothes comfortable shoe [if u r waering] Quiet place DescriptionI wrote this to help newbie to relax. Relaxing your body, mind and soul. It helps you to come to peace. helps healing and dreaming.
Spell CastingPlease find a place where you can relax;This can be at work in your office, Sitting outside in a quiet park, You can do this at home sitting on sofa, bed even on the floor. 1) Try to sit without moving your body just relax yourself and quiet all your thoughts. 2) Close your eyelids. 3) Try focusing on one point and nothing else. 4) Try focusing between your eyes. 5) After body and mind have been stilled. 6) Try to stay that way for 1 hour or more keep note on how long you stayed focused each day. 7) Do this sited, do not lie down (this could cause you to fall asleep). 8) It may take a lot of practicing to actually stay still and quiet. 9) Don't give up, keep practicing this and it will enhance your mind. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.