IngredientsNothingDescriptionThis allows you to be protected by the Egyptian goddess Bast depending on the the time (day or night) you will be protected by one of her forums a roaring lion(day) a black panther (night).
Spell CastingChant "Bast goddess of the (day/night) protect me as you would your kittens. I'm frail as your kittens! Save me now from the evil lurks. As you were protector of Ra protect me now. I ask of thee so mote it be". Now visualize golden energy (day) filling within in you then see a proud lion roaring terrifying your enemie (you may roar as well if in private or your mind if In public). If for night see silver energy filling you instead and see a proud black panther roar roar if you wish in mind if you are in public but if not let that fury OUT be proud that you are defended by yours and Bast's power. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.