Ingredients1 red candlepaper red pen or pencil (just something that writes red) scissors clear tape DescriptionVery potent spell. It was worked for me and my friends that ask me to cast it for them. There are adaptions for yourself and to cast on others.
Spell CastingFOR YOURSELFGather all of your ingredients and light the candle. With your piece of paper, draw a heart. Inside the heart, write: "May (name) love me until I will it not to be so." ***For the name, you will need the first name, middle initial, and last name. Cut out the paper heart. Hold it close to your chest and think of the person you want. Let positive feelings fill you and then feed it into the paper heart. When you feel you have done this sufficiently, tape the paper heart onto your bedroom window so that it can catch the light of the sun and the moon. FOR OTHERS -ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE ASKED TO DO IT BY SOME ONE ELSE. THIS DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO PLAY MATCHMAKER WITH OTHER PEOPLE.- Gather all of your material and light the candle. with your piece of paper, draw a heart. Inside the heart, write: "May (name) love (name) until they will it not to be so." Cut out the paper heart. Feed it positive emotions. Then, holding it above the candle, say: "Flames of passion, guide these hearts. They belong together, even though they are separate parts." Tape it onto you bedroom window so that it can soak up the light of the sun and the moon. Note: I have found that this spell works better if you write it in a sacred language, like Runic or the Occult Alphabet. Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.