Create a Healing Necklace


3 pieces of string
Beads using the same colors as the string


This spell will work: you can wear it or giving it to someone else.

Spell Casting

To make this healing spell you need to sit inside your magick circle, gather your focus and tie all the strings together at the same end. Once the strings are tied together begin braiding them. After every three braids place a bead, alternating colors and say the following as you do -

"As I place this bead,
for healing need,
with each braid intertwined,
healing body and mind.
When the circle is complete
done is magic, healing sweet."

Strongly concentrate on the image of the person you are making the necklace for, even if it is for yourself. As you string on each bead see that person getting healthier and completely healed by the time you finish with the last bead.

You have now cast a healing spell and made a healing necklace! Give it to the wearer or put it on yourself.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.