Ingredients1 black candle: if you want Hades's powers1 red/pink candle: if you want Aphrodite's powers 1 blue candle: if you want Athena's powers 1 green candle: if you want Poseidon's powers 1 orange candle: if you want Artemis's powers 1 yellow candle: if you want Apollo's powers 1 green/yellow candle: if you want Persephone's powers DescriptionYou will have the immortality and the abilities of a god/goddess
Spell CastingGo into your backyard or a forest or something (just something with lots of nature surrounding you) then sit down. Make a circle around you whilst sitting criss-crossed then say this once:
"O Gods and Goddesses, this is my plea place your power before me!" (then light your chosen candle on a leaf or something making sure the candle does not tip) "O King of the gods, Zeus, I ask you to grant me my wish. Put me in contact with the goddess I must be swish. O (say your god/goddess's name) give me the power of your that is almighty. For the power of you is my wish to see, so mote it be". Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.