Get a Water Tiger Companion


Colored pencils
Print-out of what you want your tiger to look like (one you can color in)
Up to 4 powers you want it to have
2 orange candles
2 green candles
2 blue candles
2 purple candles
2 turquoise candles
2 pink candles
2 magenta candles
2 brown candles
2 silver candles
2 white candles
2 black candles


This spell will conjure a water tiger companion to you.

Spell Casting

Make a circle with the candles, each color across from its match and light them. Color in the picture for what you want your tiger to look like. Put what you want its name to be and the power(s) you want it to have above the colored picture. Put the paper and amulet inside the circle when you're done. Say:

"A water tiger
Is what I desire.
His/her name will be (name of tiger)
And (color(s) you chose) all over.
Give him the power of (power(s) you chose)
Water spirits, send him in four days.
So mote it be."

Light the paper on fire and let the candles burn themselves out. Always wear the amulet, for that's where s/he will come from on the fourth day, and keep it on for the rest of your life. Your water tiger will be your family's companion and protector.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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