Have Good Dreams


Bone (chicken bone will work)
A strand of your hair
5 rose petals
Sunflower seeds
Glass container with a lid
3 drops of your blood
12 candles
A pentagram necklace
A black sharpie


If you are having bad dreams try this spell.

Spell Casting

First put on your pentagram necklace and take out your container. Mix into your container one chicken bone, 3 drops of your blood, 1 strand of your hair, 5 rose petals, and a cup o' sunflower seeds. Now close the container and shake it up. Take a black sharpie and draw a pentagram on the side of the container. Put the twelve candles in a circle and put the container in the middle. Sit behind the container and meditate. Then once you cleared your mind repeat these words three times:

"I will have good dreams
Woe is me woe is me
If i do not have good dreams
So mote it be"

Then blow out the candles amd put the container near your bed and as long as its near your bed you wont have bad dreams

Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

Be sure to check us out at www.spellsofmagic.com for more details and information on making your spells more powerful and effective. We have hundreds of free spells which you can cast, or have us cast for.